The 2020 Christmas Lottery draw is characterized by the transfer of tenths among family, friends, or co-workers. A mother’s office will give you ten euros, and five from her friends at school. Another ten is for playing with the brothers. There are many ways to share so that Fortune notices you (not counting shares). To avoid any drama between friends and family, it is important that you follow these tips. This is not the first time it has happened.

First, identify everyone who shares a lottery ticket. The ticket, according to the Consumer Organization (OCU), is a “bearer” document and is collected by the owner of the “treasure”. If there are thousands of euro at stake, a photocopy of all data (numbers, series, fraction) as well as the names, DNI, and signature will suffice to avoid friction.

You can also send a photo to the tenth via WhatsApp or another similar network. Be careful. It is possible to manipulate an image and it may not be used as evidence in the 2020 Christmas Lottery draw.

It is important that all participants in the tenth attend the branch when collecting the money (usually from 2,000 euros). This is the best way to ensure that the Tax Agency knows all taxes have been paid. Example: Five friends share a tenth. They reach 400,000 euros. Fat. 20% is applied to 360,000 euros, as the first 40,000 euro are exempted from taxes. This means that the coworkers share 288,000 euros without taxes. To this must be added the 40,000 euros exempted from taxes. They total 328,000 euros, divided by five, or 65,600 euro per head.

This way, the Treasury will already apply the withholding and the bank the income. This money must be reported on the income statement. What happens if one person charges it? The prize will be distributed to him and each of his five friends must then answer for the income to the Treasury. It can either understand it as the prize or as a donation (and taxes must also be paid), or it can be computed as a gain patrimonial, (also taxes). They would not charge more than 64,800 euros.

Two details are needed for couples sharing a tenth. It is 50% if you are part of community property. If assets are separated, the person who purchased them will keep the money unless the other party can prove that it was a joint purchase.