Juan Espadas, the socialist candidate for Presidency of Board and general secretary to the Andalusian PSOE is in favor of connecting the Autovia del Almanzora with the A-92, as it was planned from the start. He explained that the citizens want a highway. The PP’s electoral program does not include anything more than the will to stop when the project is necessary or justified.

Juan Espadas, a Spanish official, spoke to Baza about investments in the modernization and consolidation of irrigation. The Government of Spain intends to spend almost 13 million euros. He said that Moreno Bonilla had not been able modify the irrigation perimeters as farmers in the area demanded. If this decree is issued, the public aid will be denied to the irrigators. the.

Socialist candidate has condemned the Baza Hospital’s lack of specialists and the long list of patients, which forces people from the Baza region to use it. Huescar and Pozo Alcon, as well as Alto Almanzora, will have to travel to other hospitals. We are going to spend the money necessary to solve the Andalusia’s public health problem, but we will do so in the public sector. Moreno Bonilla forgets to mention public health when he speaks about it. He is thinking about the private<<, that he has spoken.

Juan Espadas stated that the PSOE is “campaigning” and asking for votes because Andalusia requires a government that manages better than the poor management of Moreno Bonilla. Espadas tries to conceal his disgust at Espadas’s behavior. The socialist candidate added that his commitment is total to municipalism and that he has proposed the creation of a body that integrates municipalities. This would be different from the FAMP, which will serve as an alliance with the Andalusian government.