Many problems face anyone who wishes to study or work abroad. There are many issues to consider, such as the institution where the language is taught, the courses that can be chosen, accommodation, bureaucracy, and the customs. Decanto Community was created to answer all your questions regarding training abroad. This company is among the finalists for the Alhambra Venture, which will be in Granada from July 12-13.

This startup from Granada has an advanced search engine that allows you to create custom-made training. You can also work with an online educator during the entire process to ensure the institution’s quality. It also offers a central system that allows students to access all the information they need for their stay on one website. Dencanto’s Spanish course for foreigners ensures the quality of every provider or institution through visits to the destination and quality testing.

The founders of the company saw themselves in that same situation and set out to create a centralized service to provide all services needed by international students and workers. The company was established in 2017. It was the culmination of the professional journey Jacob San Miguel, CEO and Maria Lepetiukhina CMO had led since 2011.

The team currently consists of nine people from five different countries who work in platform development, marketing, and sales. They are based in Granada. All members of the team have studied abroad, so they are familiar with the challenges faced by their clients. It’s not just about choosing a school or university. It’s also about everything else that goes along with the trip.

The success of the project was based on three main points, according to them. The first is technological development. This means that the client should be at the center. With a complete tool, and a central reservation system, they can reserve accommodation, academic and cultural activities simultaneously. The second is the analysis system and agreements made with strategic partners. A customer service system that is country-specific. This ensures that clients are informed about all aspects of the destination and can resolve any issues.

The platform’s previous technological developments have made them stand out from the rest. This is due to both the reservation system and the search engine. Its system of analysis of institutions is an additional incentive. Its core values include putting the customer first, providing him with the tools and security he needs to build his experience. Contrary to this, many companies place their strategic commitment on marketing and sales and not on technology.

They have already taken the first step of their business strategy. The system was tested in Spain by international students from Italy and Germany. It is available for students from the United Kingdom, Ireland and Scotland. They currently have over 15 destinations in Spain with more than 30 institutions, 200 experiences, and more than 150 other locations. They also point out that the student reserves have not stopped growing ever since the border was opened in May 2021. They hope to reach 1,000 students next year.

They also plan to increase educational and work opportunities for international students by offering programs in English in Australia, Ireland and the United States at the end of the year. This will allow them to increase the number of students, destinations, and managed immersion experiences.

The site’s services are for anyone who wishes to learn a foreign language with work or educational training. They hope to be the most popular platform for booking international internships or educational programs.

They need to receive additional support from Alhambra Venture to help them accelerate their project and take it to the next stage. They conclude that it is crucial to have investors or funds at this event because they would allow them to grow and move at a 10x faster pace than if they did it on their own or without support.