The extraordinary measures put in place by the Government to deal with the coronavirus pandemic cost 96,838 million euros in 2020, of which some 68,000 correspond to obligations of the General State Administration and 29,000 to social and labor aid.
This is the third audit of emergency contracts by Covid 19 that has been carried out by the institution chaired by Enriqueta Chicano and which, on this occasion, has focused on the field of Socio-Labor Administration and Social Security in the year 2020. The forecast is to approve up to eight reports and the last one will already provide a global and comparative vision.
The managers to the Court of Auditors point out that, among the aid of a socio-labour nature, the unemployment benefits derived from ERTE (13,644 million euros), the exemptions from company quotas in ERTE (5,567 million euros) and the benefits for cessation of self-employed activity (4,917 million euros).
Regarding the balance of Social Security, for the fourth consecutive year it includes a negative net worth, amounting to 68,049 million euros in 2020, a year in which the State has granted loans to the General Treasury of Social Security of 30,330 million euros. euros.
The Declaration on the General Account of the State for the year 2020 has been approved with a favorable opinion, although the plenary session expresses “qualifications or incidents” and urges its correction.
Among them, the net overvaluation of the consolidated budget result by 2,008 million euros due to an incorrect temporary allocation of obligations and rights, the downward valuation of various provisions for future expenses that the State could have to assume and other incidents related to the provision for tax refund.
The Plenary Session of the Court of Auditors has approved the audit report on emergency contracting in 2020 as a result of the health crisis and considers that “all the contracts were directly or indirectly linked to the exceptional situation and that the application of the processing of emergency was adjusted to law”.
This body reports that INGESA’s contractual expenditure on FFP2, FFP3 and surgical masks, nitrile gloves and hydroalcoholic gel amounted to 246.4 million euros, although 91.69% of the amount was allocated to the award of masks.
22% of the contracts signed by the Institute of Health Management (INGESA) of the Ministry of Health in the first months of the pandemic suffered incidents and in one case more than four euros were paid per FFP2 mask, according to the report.