This rare display of discord is a sign that NATO allies are trying to support Ukrainian fighters and avoid getting caught in a larger war with Russia.

John Kirby, a Pentagon spokesperson, stated that Poland’s declaration of its intention to deliver the 28 aircraft to the U.S. Ramstein Air Base raised concerns about warplanes leaving a U.S. or NATO base in order to fly into airspace contested by Russia in the Ukraine conflict.

Kirby stated in a statement that “we will continue to consult Poland and other NATO allies regarding this issue and the difficulties logistical challenges it presents, however we don’t believe Poland’s proposal is tenable.”

The gift of more warplanes to Ukraine would boost morale for the people who have been under Russian attack for almost two weeks. However, it increases the possibility of war spreading beyond Ukraine.

Russia declared that it would not support Ukraine’s air force this way, which would lead to retaliation.

Officials at the White House were shocked by the announcement of the Polish government on the MiGs. According to a U.S. official, the proposal was not brought up in talks with Antony Blinken, Secretary of State.

According to the U.S. official who spoke under anonymity, the White House did not believe the proposal would solve the logistical problems of providing aircraft to Ukraine.

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Nuland stated to senators that “to my knowledge, it was not pre-consulted with us.”

As it resists stronger Russian forces, Ukraine has been asking for more warplanes. Washington is looking into a proposal that would see Poland supply Ukraine with Mig29s, and then receive American F-16s as a compensation. Ukrainian pilots have been trained to fly Soviet-era fighter jets.

In a statement, the Polish Foreign Ministry stated that the planes would be delivered free to Ramstein.

It stated that “at the same time, Poland requested the United States to provide it with used aircraft with the corresponding operational capabilities.”

The Polish government appealed to all other MIG-29 owners to follow their lead.

Also, former NATO members of Soviet bloc Bulgaria and Slovakia still have Soviet-made fighter planes in their air force.

The Polish decision to publicly float its plan was made the day before Kamala Harris, Vice President of the United States, was due to leave for Warsaw to meet with Polish officials. This disconnect will likely add an awkward layer of complexity to the talks. They were to be dominated by U.S. efforts in helping Poland and other Eastern European countries that have received some 2 million refugees since the war began.

The Western will be demonstrating its resolve to do more against Russia by transferring Poland’s 28 Soviet-made MiG-29s. Militarily, it is unlikely to make a significant difference. It is a small number of aircraft. MiG-29s, which are less sophisticated than Russian aircraft, could be easily preyed on by Russian pilots or Russian missiles.

According to a senior U.S. defense officer, Ukrainians fly fewer of their current aircraft and for a shorter time than they used to. According to the U.S. assessment, the defense official spoke under anonymity because he believed Ukraine doesn’t need additional planes. He also said that it is possible that Ukraine doesn’t require more aircraft and would be most benefit from the addition of weapons such as anti-aircraft Stinger missiles and anti-tank Javelin missiles.

According to the official, Russia has the capability to reach nearly all of Ukraine using its surface-to air missiles. This includes ships in the Black Sea.

MiG transfers are fraught with complications, as neither NATO nor EU want to be seen as being directly involved in such transactions. This would increase already extreme tensions with Russia.

U.S. officials and Polish officials have considered a range of options to keep the appearance that NATO and EU are not directly involved in the Ukraine conflict. The first is the “donation” by Poland of its MiGs to America, which was announced Tuesday.

One scenario is that Poland would transport the fighter jets to the U.S. military base in Germany. They would then be repainted and flown into a non-NATO or non-EU country. The Ukrainian pilots would fly them to Ukraine.

Although no country has been publicly identified in transit, Kosovo, a country that is not aligned with the United States, was mentioned as one of many countries that could be willing to serve as a intermediary point.

The gift Poland proposed to Poland would also weaken Poland’s air force in a time of increased danger in Eastern Europe.

Poland requested that the United States provide F-16 fighter jets as a replacement for its MiGs.

F-16 production is currently stalled. Taiwan will be the next recipient for new deliveries. Taiwan is under renewed threat from China and has strong support by both sides in Congress.

The Polish government requested “used” planes in its statement. This distinction would allow the Biden administration bypass congressional opposition and make Taiwan wait for its F-16s.

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki stated that any decision regarding the delivery of offensive weapons must be unanimously made by NATO members.

He stated, “This is why our jet fighter fleet can be given to Ramstein. But we aren’t ready to make any moves by ourselves because…we are not a part of this war.”

Some U.S. lawmakers are supportive of answering Ukraine’s requests for more warplanes. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell stated Tuesday that he believes the aid Congress will approve for Ukraine later this week will include loan guarantees to NATO allies to replenish their air force after they have given MiGs to Ukraine.