It would also demand that Russia stop its invasion of Ukraine and withdraw all Russian troops.

According to a senior U.S. official, the Biden administration is aware that Russia will veto the measure but believes it important to vote on the resolution in order to emphasize Russia’s isolation from the international community.

According to the official, the vote in council will be followed by a quick resolution that will be voted on quickly at the 193-member U.N. General Assembly. There are no vetoes.

The Associated Press obtained the final draft resolution on Thursday. It would reaffirm The Council’s commitment to “the sovereignty, independence and unity of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders.”

The council will vote on Friday at 3:00 EST.


WASHINGTON — The White House has condemned “credible reports” that Ukrainian officials claim that Russian troops took hostages the Chernoybl nuclear power plant staff.

Jen Psaki, press secretary, stated Thursday that she “condemned it and requested their release.”

Psaki claims that the U.S. does not have an assessment of the condition of the nuclear plant, where radioactivity continues to leak decades after the worst nuclear accident in American history. She says that hostage taking could hinder efforts to maintain the nuclear facility, which she calls “incredibly alarming” and “greatly concerning.”

Psaki spoke out after Alyona Shevtsova (an adviser to the commander in Ukraine’s Ground Forces) wrote on Facebook that Chernobyl plant staff had been “taken hostage”, when Russian troops seize the facility.


BRUSSELS — A French presidential official claims that the goal of President Emmanuel Macron’s call to Vladimir Putin via phone was to request an immediate halt to military operations.

According to an official at the Elysee Palace on Thursday, Macron called Putin in Brussels just before the start a crucial meeting of European Union leaders focused on sanctions against Russia.

According to the official, Macron called Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Ukrainian President of Ukraine.

According to the French presidency practice, the official said that Macron had reminded Putin of Russia’s massive sanctions.

According to the Kremlin’s account of the call, Putin was able to agree to keep in touch with Macron.


KYIV, Ukraine — Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine, says that 137 civilians have been killed in the Russian invasion.

In a video address that he released Friday morning, he calls them “heroes”. He also said that hundreds of others have been injured.

Zelenskyy claims that Russia has not only attacked military targets but also civilian sites. He said, “They are killing people and turning peaceful towns into military targets.” It is a foul act and it will not be tolerated.

According to the president, all border guards from Zmiinyi in the Odesa area were killed on Thursday. The Russians took the island earlier in the day, according to the Ukraine’s border service.


KYIV, Ukraine — The president of Ukraine has ordered a complete military mobilization in response to the Russian invasion.

Thursday night, President Volodymyr Zilenskyy issued an order stating that the mobilization would continue for 90 days.

The General Staff of the Military was tasked with determining the number and order of call-ups, as well as the reservists and those liable to service.

Zelensky assigned his Cabinet the task of allocating funds for mobilization.


BRUSSELS — European Union leaders promised Thursday that they would impose severe economic and financial sanctions against Russia. However, there is a lack consensus in the West regarding cutting Russia off from the SWIFT financial payments system.

More than 11,000 institutions worldwide use the Belgia-based cooperative. It moves money from one bank to the next, so removing Russia would likely have an impact on European economies.

Ukraine requested this move. Roberta Metsola (head of the European Parliament) stated that EU sanctions must include Russia being excluded from the scheme. However, many EU leaders are still not convinced.

For example, Mark Rutte, the Dutch prime minister, stated that such a decision could also harm European economies. Rutte stated that it should be a last resort measure that can be resolved at a later stage.

He said that “a number of countries are hesitant because it has serious consequences for them.”


BUDAPEST (Hungary) – On Thursday, several thousand protestors gathered in front the Russian Embassy in Budapest to condemn Russia’s invasion in Ukraine and demanded that Hungary cut all ties with Moscow.

Protesters waved the flags of Ukraine, the European Union and demanded the end of the Russian attacks.

A coalition of six opposition parties organized the demonstration in Budapest to overthrow Orban and Fidesz in April’s parliamentary elections.

Independent conservative Peter Markizay, the candidate for the coalition’s prime ministership, attacked Orban’s close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin and asked the prime minister to take a “clear stand” on Hungary’s commitment towards NATO and the European Union, as well as our allies.


BRUSSELS — Josep Borell, the EU’s top diplomat said he spent his days “reaching out across the globe” to form a united front against Russia.

Borrell had his two phones with him when he arrived at the Brussels meeting of EU leaders on Thursday evening.

He claimed he had called more than 20 countries.

He said, “The African Union (countries in Latin America), in Southeast Asia and India, Japan a lot.”

Borrell said that sanctions that he had prepared with the EU executive arm in retaliation for Russia’s invasion and invasion of Ukraine by leaders will begin to take effect when the EU Council adopts them during Friday’s meeting of foreign affairs ministers.

The EU stated that sanctions would be applied to “the financial, energy, and transport sectors, dual use goods, as well as export control, export financing, visa policy and additional Russian listing criteria.”


PARIS — Jean-Yves Le Drian, French Foreign Minister, said Thursday that the sanctions being discussed by European allies against Russia are “massive” and aimed to asphyxiate Russia’s economy.

Le Drian stated that the measures against Russia will be “very large, very strong, and I believe they’ll be very effective,” in an interview with French broadcaster TF1.

France works with NATO allies and the United Nations to reach an international consensus on isolating Russia after President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.


WASHINGTON — At least temporarily, the U.S. State Department has withdrawn all diplomatic representations from Ukraine.

According to the department, a core group essential personnel that had moved from Kyiv’s capital to Lviv in the west of Ukraine earlier this month will now be working from offices in Poland and not on Ukrainian territory.

The department instructed diplomats earlier this week to work in Lviv during the day but to spend their nights at home in Poland.

According to the department, they were told Wednesday night not to commute to Lviv from work starting Thursday until further notice.


VIENNA — According to the Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency, Ukraine informed the Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency that unidentified armed forces have taken control over the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. They also stated that there were no casualties or damage at the site.

Rafael Mariano Grossi, Director General of IAEA, called for “maximum restraint” in order to avoid any actions that could pose a risk to Ukraine’s nuclear facilities.

He stated that the IAEA was monitoring developments in Ukraine in accordance with its mandate. “In particular, the IAEA is focusing on the safety and security at its nuclear power stations and other nuclear-related facilities,” said he in a statement.


WASHINGTON — U.S. regulators have expanded the area in eastern Europe and Russia that U.S. pilots and airlines are prohibited because of conflict.

The Federal Aviation Administration issued a new directive Thursday prohibiting U.S. airlines flying over Ukraine, Belarus, and the western half of Russia.

U.S. airlines were previously prohibited from flying over Ukraine’s eastern region. These restrictions apply to both cargo and passenger flights but not military aircraft.


MOSCOW — The Russian military announced Thursday night that a Russian military plane crashed in Russia’s Voronezh area, which borders with Ukraine.

An An-26 plane carrying out a flight to transport military equipment was about to crash. Military officials stated that technical failure caused the crash and that all the crew members were killed in the accident.

They didn’t say how many crew members were aboard the plane.


WASHINGTON — U.S. President Joe Biden said that sanctions against Russia for invading Ukraine won’t disrupt global oil and natural gas markets.

Biden states, “Our sanctions package was specifically designed to allow energy payment to continue.”

At a White House speech on Thursday, the president announced a number of sanctions. These sanctions include export restrictions to Russia, sanctions on Russian banks, and sanctions on state-controlled Russian companies.

Biden states that the U.S. oil companies and gas companies shouldn’t exploit geopolitical risk to raise their prices or increase their profits.

One of the main concerns has been to preserve Russian natural gas and oil exports. These are essential sources for Europe and other nations. The Russian invasion of Ukraine is already being seen by financial markets as a strain on energy supplies. With the Brent crude futures contract soon expiring, prices for Brent crude oil rising more than 5% to $100 per barrel, this could be considered a significant problem.


UNITED NATIONS — The Ukrainian ambassador to the United Nations asked the President of the 193-member General Assembly for an emergency session to be prepared in the wake of Russia’s aggression.

Ukraine’s U.N. Ambassador Sergiy Kyslytsya said Thursday via Twitter that the meeting should take place under the “Uniting for Peace” resolution. The resolution allows the General Assembly to convene emergency meetings to discuss matters of international security and peace when the Security Council cannot act due to the absence of unanimity among five permanent members, the United States, Russia China, Britain, France and China.

According to an anonymous senior U.S. official speaking under condition of anonymity, Russia will veto this legally binding measure.


ROME — Italian Premier Mario Draghi addressed fellow G-7 leaders and warned that the Ukraine crisis “could continue for a long while, so we must be prepared.”

He expressed gratitude to Joe Biden, the U.S. President, for sharing intelligence over recent weeks. Thursday night, he also praised the European Commission for “a good proposal for sanctions”

He stated that Italy was “completely aligned” with France, Germany, and the European Union in regard to sanctions.

According to Draghi’s G-7 remarks, Draghi stated that “We must be united and firm, decisive, and we must reaffirm in every moment our full support for Ukraine.”


JERUSALEM — Israeli police have arrested four men who were allegedly writing anti-Putin graffiti at the gate of the Russian Embassy in Tel Aviv.

On Thursday, several hundred protestors gathered outside the Russian Embassy in Tel Aviv to protest Russia’s invasion Ukraine. A smaller protest was also held outside of the Russian consulate in Haifa, a northern port city.

Israel is home to many former Soviet Union immigrants and their descendants who came here in the 1990s and 2000s.

Israel has maintained good relations with Russia and Ukraine, and has attempted to avoid any involvement in the conflict. On Thursday, Israel’s foreign minister had condemned Russia’s invasion.


UNITED NATIONS — The U.N. chief reiterated Thursday his appeal to Russia to halt the invasion of Ukraine. He said that $20 million was being released by the U.N. for humanitarian emergencies in Ukraine.

Stop the military operation. At U.N. headquarters, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres stated that Russia should send its troops home. He called the offensive unacceptable and unacceptable, but not irreversible.

Guterres stated, “It’s not too late for this generation to be saved from the scourge war.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that the attack is intended to protect civilians in east Ukraine, where prorussian separatists have been fighting for the government for almost eight years. However, the U.S. stated that Russia would attempt to justify an invasion by falsely declaring that rebel-held areas are under attack.

Thursday’s announcement by the U.N. indicated that it would be relocating some 1,500 of its staff in Ukraine. Guterres stated that the U.N. would continue to provide aid for people in Ukraine, regardless of where or who they are.


BRUSSELS — Alexander De Croo, the Belgian Prime Minister, stated that the European Union must adopt sanctions strong enough to affect the Russian economy as well as the country’s military industrial base.

De Croo stated that “we don’t need sanctions which bark, but we need sanctions who bite” upon his arrival at a meeting of EU leaders in Brussels to discuss new measures against Russia.

De Croo stated that the main purpose of the sanctions should not be to prevent Russian financial institutions from accessing international markets.

De Croo answered a question about Russia’s exclusion from the Swift Payment System financial system, which moves money from one bank to another around the globe.


OTTAWA (Ontario) — Justin Trudeau, Canada’s Prime Minister, says he talked with President Zelenskyy. He says Canada is imposing harsher sanctions.

The sanctions will be applied to 58 individuals and entities that are connected to Russia. This includes members of the elite of Russia and their families, as well as the Wagner Group paramilitary organization and large Russian banks.

These measures were announced by Trudeau on Thursday, after Trudeau had attended a virtual G-7 meeting. They will also impact members of Russia’s Security Council, which includes key cabinet ministers.

Canada will also cancel any Russian export permits it has and not issue any new.

Trudeau also stated that the federal government would prioritize immigration applications from Ukrainians who wish to enter Canada. He also launched a dedicated telephone number for those who have urgent questions regarding immigrating to Canada from Ukraine.


KYIV, Ukraine — A Ukrainian adviser claims that Ukraine lost control of the decommissioned Chernobyl nuclear power plant following a fierce battle.

Mykhailo Podolyak was an advisor to President Volodymyr Zeleskyy. He said that the condition of the plant’s facilities (a confinement shelter, and storage of nuclear fuel) is not known.

In April 1986, a nuclear reactor in then Soviet Ukraine exploded, causing radioactive waste to be released across Europe. This was the worst nuclear accident in history. To prevent radiation from leaking, the reactor was covered with a protective cover and the whole plant has been removed.

Podolyak stated that it was impossible to state that Chernobyl’s nuclear power plant is safe after the “absolutely stupid attack by the Russians in that direction.”

He suggested that Russia might mount provocations in the region and called the situation “one of Europe’s most serious threats today.”


NEW DELHI (India) — Indian Prime Minister NarendraModi called Russian President Vladimir Putin late Thursday night to appeal for an “immediate cessation violence,” his office stated in a statement.

Modi called on diplomats to resume diplomatic talks, saying that “differences between Russia & NATO group can only been resolved through honest dialogue.”

Modi expressed concern about Indian citizens in Ukraine as well. Officials earlier said that around 4,000 of the 20,000 Indian nationals were evacuated and efforts are underway to bring the rest home.

After the New Delhi-based Ukraine envoy had urged Modi not to contact Putin, the conversation took place hours later. Modi said that Modi has a special relationship “with Russia” and that New Delhi could play a greater role in controlling the situation.


WARSAW — The first Ukrainian refugees arrived in Poland, a member of the European Union, by road or rail.

A train carrying about 100 passengers left eastern Ukraine’s Kharkiv station and arrived in Poland Thursday afternoon.

The Associated Press was told by passengers of different ages that they were fleeing the war. Some of the passengers were from Poland and needed to return urgently after visits to their homeland.

General Tomasz Praga (head of Poland’s border security forces) stated that there has been an increase in people who want to cross into Poland.

Officials stated that Poland has at least eight centers where food, medical care, and rest areas are available.

Mateusz Morawiecki, the Polish Prime Minister, stated that “innocent people” are being killed in Ukraine and asked for assistance from the Poles to help those in Ukraine who need it.


NAIROBI (Kenya) — The African Union chair has called for an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine “to protect the world from the effects of planetary conflict.”

Senegal President Macky Sall, and AU Commission chair Moussa Faki Mahamat made statements calling on Russia to respect Ukraine’s territorial integrity. They also expressed concern about the “very serious and dangerous” situation.

Only a few of the 54 African countries have publicly reacted against the invasion.


PRISTINA, Kosovo — The claim by Russian President Vladimir Putin of similarity with Ukraine’s eastern rebel regions was rejected Thursday by the leaders of Kosovo.

The president of Kosovo, the prime minister of Kosovo and other high ranking ministers condemned Russia’s invasion in Ukraine.

The statement stated that “the massive and unprovoked attack on Ukraine’s cities, villages and towns is one of most dangerous hits to the architecture of international security built after World War II.”

After a conflict with Serbia that left over 10,000 people dead, Kosovo declared independence in 2008. This prompted a NATO intervention. The United States recognizes Pristina’s government, as do most EU countries. However, Belgrade refuses to recognize its independence and relies upon support from Russia or China to maintain its claims to the territory.

The statement stated that Putin’s attempts to draw parallels to the Kosovo case are completely unstable and abusive. It is an attempt to hide the absence of any basis or reason for the barbarous attacks of its forces on a sovereign country.”


LONDON — Boris Johnson, the British Prime Minister, announced that he would seek to isolate Russia from the U.K.’s financial market. This was in response to President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

Johnson announced Thursday that the sanctions will include the freezing of assets at all major Russian banks, which includes VTB Bank, the country’s second-biggest, Johnson stated. Britain plans to ban Russian companies and the Russian government’s ability to raise money on U.K. market.

Britain will also ban exports of a wide variety of high-tech products to Russia, and prohibit Aeroflot, the country’s flagship airline from landing at U.K. Airports.

This sanctions list comes just days after Johnson was criticised for being too cautious in his response to Russian aggression earlier in the week.

Vadym Prystaiko, Ukraine’s ambassador in the U.K. called earlier on world leaders for a ban on trade in Russian oil, gas, and to block foreign investment in Ukraine.


MOSCOW — Russian Defense Ministry has officially confirmed that their forces moved into Ukraine from Crimea.

Russia stated that it launched a barrage missile and air strikes against the Ukrainian air bases, defense batteries and other military installations before Thursday’s statement.

According to the ministry, it had destroyed 83 Ukrainian military installations. Igor Konashenkov, a ministry spokesperson, confirmed that Russian ground troops had advanced towards Kherson, northwest of the Crimea peninsula.

Kherson is seated on a water reservoir that was used in the past for the bulk of freshwater supply to Crimea. It was then that Ukraine replaced it with a dam in 2017, in response to Moscow’s 2014 annexe of Crimea. Konashenkov stated that Thursday’s action allows for the resumption in water supply to Crimea.


BERLIN — German Chancellor Olaf Scholz made a televised speech to the nation, in which he strongly condemned the Russian attack on Ukraine and promised that he “will not win” against Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Scholz stated Thursday evening that Russia violated Ukraine’s sovereignty and that he would not accept it. He also promised to impose severe sanctions with Germany’s allies.

Scholz stated that Putin was responsible for the attack on Ukraine. It wasn’t the Russian people that decided to go to war. Putin alone is responsible for this war. This war is Putin’s war.”

The chancellor stated that Putin should not underestimate NATO’s determination to defend its members. This applies specifically to NATO partners in the Baltic States and in Romania and Bulgaria, as well as in Slovakia and Slovakia. There are no ifs or buts. Germany and its allies are well-advised on how to defend themselves.


UNITED NATIONS — An American official said that the U.N. Security Council will vote on Friday on a resolution condemning Russia for its attack on Ukraine and requesting the immediate withdrawal all of its forces. This is despite the fact that Russia would veto this legally binding resolution.

The United States believes that it is important to vote on the resolution to highlight Russia’s isolation. He also stressed that the veto would be quickly followed by a resolution at the 193-member U.N. General Assembly, where there are no Vetoes. Because he was not allowed to speak publicly, he spoke under condition of anonymity.

“This is the first step in how U.N. responds against this premeditated warfare of choice that Russia chose to take. We will see action at the General Assembly in coming days,” he stated, adding that it is part a larger, coordinated response that also includes the steps that the Biden administration, its allies, and other countries.

According to the official, the resolution was drafted in accordance with Article 7 of U.N. Charter. It can be enforced militarily.


Edith M. Lederer


MOSCOW — Russian President Vladimir Putin claims he was forced to order military action against Ukraine by the West because he refused to comply with Russian security demands.

Putin spoke at a Kremlin gathering with businesspeople on Thursday and said that the military action was a forced measure that stemmed out of rising security threats to Russia.

He stated that he was shocked by the West’s intransigence regarding Moscow’s security needs. He said, “I was shocked that didn’t move one millimeter on any matter.” They have given us no opportunity to act differently.”

He said that Russia is still part of the global economic system and won’t harm the system it is part of while it is there.

He said, in apparent warning to the West, “Our partners need to realize that” and “not set a goal for us to leave the system.”


KYIV, Ukraine — Volodymyr Zelensnkyy, the Ukrainian President, has called on Moscow to stop hostilities. He also stated that Russian airborne forces have been checked out of Kyiv.

He said that Ukraine was not the one who chose war but rather the path of peace.

He stated that a Russian airborne force at Hostomel Airport outside Kyiv with a large runway has been stopped and is being destroyed.

Although he claimed that many Russian warplanes had been destroyed, he didn’t provide any numbers. Unspecified numbers of Russian troops were also captured, he said.

According to Zelenskyy, a challenging situation is developing in Kharkiv (Ukraine’s second-largest urbanity), which is located just 20 km from the Russian border. Zelenskyy stated that the Russians are gradually moving towards Chernihiv in the north.

He appealed for global leaders to help Ukraine and said that “if we don’t help now, if we fail to offer strong aid to Ukraine, tomorrow you will be at our door.”


BERLIN — The attack by Russia on Ukraine has been strongly condemned by the Group of Seven leaders.

After a virtual meeting of leaders, the German government released a joint statement pledging to “forward severe and coordinated financial and economic sanctions.”

It called on all international partners and members to condemn the attack in strongest terms, stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Ukraine and speak out against this flagrant violation of the principles of international security and peace.


HELSINKI — The first U.S. military equipment and troops promised by President Joe Biden this week to the Baltic NATO members Estonia and Latvia have been delivered to their countries.

Estonian media reported that an undisclosed number U.S. F-35 fighters arrived Thursday afternoon at NATO’s Amari air base, near Estonia’s capital Tallinn. F-35 fighters were also reported to have arrived at NATO’s base in Lithuania.

According to Latvian media, the 40 first American soldiers of the 173rd Airborne Brigade arrived at Latvia on Wednesday evening.


According to a senior U.S. defense official, Thursday’s Russian attack appears to have been the first of a series of large-scale, multiple-phased invasions.

Officials stated that the attack began at 9:30 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time, and included land- and sea-based missile launch. In the first hour of the attack, more than 100 missiles were launched, including short-range and medium-range missiles as well as cruise missiles, surface to air missiles and sea-launched ones.

According to the official, the Russians are moving along three axes: from Crimea to Kherson; from Belarus towards Kyiv; and from the northeast toward Kharkiv.

An anonymous official spoke out to say that it was not known how many Russian troops were in Ukraine at the moment. The main targets of the air attack have been 10 airfields, ammunition warehouses and barracks. According to the official, Russian ground forces started moving into Ukraine from Belarus at 5 a.m. Eastern Time.


Lolita C. Baldor, Washington D.C.


LONDON — Hundreds of demonstrators gathered in London to call on Britain and other democracies for more action against Russia.

Ukrainians living in Britain and activists sang the Ukrainian national anthem outside the Downing Street office of Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Thursday.

Natalia Ravlyuk was the organizer of the protest and said that they want the “toughest sanctions” and the complete isolation of Russia.

She said, “We feel betrayed and abandoned by democratic countries because we have been discussing this war for eighteen years.” They just have to wake up and stop Putin immediately.

A number of protestors also assembled outside the Russian Embassy in London earlier.


UNITED NATIONS — According to the United Nations Migration Agency, it is ready to address any humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.

Antonio Vitorino is the director general of the Geneva-based International Organization for Migration. He stated that “IOM…is committed to staying and providing vital assistance to people of Ukraine.”

He stated that Ukraine’s eight years of conflict has displaced more than 1.4 million people, who now depend on aid to meet their daily necessities. “This escalation will only increase the humanitarian needs, and compound the suffering for millions of families.”


BUCHAREST (Romania) — To manage the influx of refugees, Moldova’s interior ministry has established two temporary centers.

According to the ministry, the centers in Palanca in northern Moldova and Ocnita are intended to provide basic humanitarian, legal, and food assistance to immigrant for 72 hours.

It stated that 6,937 people had crossed the border, with 3,000 of them being Ukrainian citizens. However, it didn’t give any details about how long.


BOSTON — The cybersecurity service of Ukraine reported that cyberattacks continue. They also stated that cellular networks are saturated with voice calls. This suggests people use text-messaging.

A distributed-denial-of-service attack that knocked some government websites offline Wednesday continued and there were sporadic internet outages across the country, said Doug Madory, director of internet analysis for the U.S. network management firm Kentik Inc.

However, measures to stop the attacks are working. Major government websites, including those of the interior and defense ministries, were accessible on Thursday.

Madory stated that Ukraine’s internet was under “severe stress” at the moment. Some cybersecurity experts suggested prior to the invasion, that it might have been in the Kremlin’s intelligence and information war interests not to attempt to shut down Ukraine’s web during a military attack.

The Telegram channel of Ukraine’s cybersecurity agency published a list of channels that are known to be “active disinformation” channels.