He called Russia’s declaration that the “independence” of eastern Ukraine’s separatist areas was a violation of their territorial integrity, and accused Moscow of “the perversion” of peacekeeping.

On Tuesday, Secretary General Antonio Guterres said to reporters that he was proud of U.N. peacekeepers’ achievements. However, when troops from one country invade the territory of another without consenting, such as Russia did, Guterres stated that they “are not impartial peacekeepers” — they are not peacekeepers in all, as Moscow had called them.

Guterres stated that Russia’s unilateral actions are also “conflicting” with the U.N. Charter, and “a death blow” to the Minsk Agreements, which were meant to restore peace in eastern Ukraine.

He called for an immediate cease fire, de-escalation and “restraint, reason” and a halt of actions and statements that “would take this dangerous situation over a brink.”

He called on the international community to unite “to save the peoples of Ukraine and other countries from the scourge war” without more bloodshed. He reiterated his willingness to continue offering his assistance in finding a peaceful solution and reiterated that he is still available for help.


OTTAWA (Ontario) — The Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced that Canada will send hundreds of additional troops to Eastern Europe in support of the deployment forces to Ukraine. He also imposed new sanctions against Russia.

According to the prime minister, up to 460 more Canadian Armed Forces personnel are being sent to Latvia to support NATO against Russian aggression.

He said that Canada is also taking steps with its allies in order to financially isolate Russia.


WASHINGTON — Antony Blinken, Secretary of State, has announced that he will cancel plans to meet with his Russian counterpart in Geneva this week. Russia is pushing ahead with the recognition of separatist areas of Ukraine.

On Tuesday, Blinken stated to reporters that Russia’s actions showed Moscow wasn’t serious about finding a diplomatic solution to the crisis. He said that he had cancelled his Thursday meeting with Sergey Lavrov, Foreign Minister.

Blinken, echoing President Joe Biden’s words, said that Russia’s President Vladimir Putin’s decision not to recognize Ukraine’s independence from the Donbass was an international violation of international law. He also stated that the Russian deployment of troops in Donbass was a sign of invasion.

He expressed hope for a peaceful solution through diplomacy but said that he didn’t believe that a meeting would produce any results at the moment.


KYIV, Ukraine — The president of Ukraine has summoned some of its military reservists to help with the Russian invasion threat, but said there was no need to mobilize the entire military force.

In a video address to his nation Tuesday night, President Volodymyr Zilenskyy stated that he had signed the decree.

“Today, there is no need to mobilize the entire army. Zelenskyy stated that we need to add staff quickly to the Ukrainian army, and other military formations.

The decree applies only to those who are assigned to the “operational reserve”, which is usually activated during ongoing hostilities and covers “a special time,” but he did not clarify what it means.

Zelenskyy stated that Ukraine is a peaceful country and wants silence. However, if we continue to keep silent today, we’ll disappear tomorrow.”

About 250,000 troops are part of Ukraine’s armed forces.


NEW YORK — Wall Street stocks are closing lower after Russia sent troops into Ukraine’s eastern region, escalating tensions.

On Tuesday, the benchmark S&P 500 index dropped 1% to 4,304.76. This is more than 10% off its January all-time high. Both the Dow Jones Industrial Average (Nadaq) and S&P 500 lost more than 1 percent. Russian President Vladimir Putin acknowledged the independence of rebel-held areas of Ukraine and raised fears of an imminent invasion.

Sanctions were imposed by the United States and European Union. The broader market also suffered from technology shares. Bond yields increased. The 10-year Treasury yield rose to 1.93%.

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden has announced that the U.S. would sanction Russian oligarchs, their families and Russian sovereign debt as a retaliation to the invasion of Ukraine.

Biden spoke at the White House Tuesday to say that these sanctions were only the “first tranche” in a series of measures the U.S., its allies and partners are ready to implement if Russia invades Ukraine.

Biden spoke out about recent statements by Russian President Vladimir Putin. “This is the beginning a Russian invasion in Ukraine.”

Biden stated that he authorized the movement of U.S. troops to NATO’s Baltic allies in Europe as a gesture of support and solidarity during the Russian threat.


BERLIN — Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has chaired a call of the G-7 nations in which ministers strongly condemned Russia’s recognition of the separatist-controlled areas of Donetsk and Luhansk in eastern Ukraine and the decision to deploy Russian troops there.

The foreign ministers from Canada, France and Germany as well as the U.K. were involved.

Tuesday night, the German foreign ministry stated that the G-7 foreign ministers had agreed to take more restrictive measures in response to Russia’s actions. They also reiterated their commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within internationally recognized borders.


BERLIN — German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said that Germany will not deliver arms to Ukraine despite Russian President Vladimir Putin’s orders to send troops to the separatist areas of eastern Ukraine.

Scholz stated to German public broadcaster ARD Tuesday night that Germany had made a decision not to export weapons to countries in crisis long ago. “And we stick to it.”

Scholz pointed out that Ukraine has many weapons. He also stressed that Germany has been the largest financial supporter for Ukraine since 2014.

The chancellor said, “We must insist that Europe’s peace order is based again on the fact that borders cannot be moved and that state sovereignty is not challenged.”


BERLIN — Protesters flocked to Berlin’s Russian Embassy to protest Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to send troops to eastern Ukraine’s separatist regions.

On Tuesday evening, people gathered in front of the Brandenburg Gate, chanting “We stand together with Ukraine!”

Others held banners that read “Ukraine will resist,” or “Say No to Putin”, while others wrapped themselves in huge Ukrainian flags.

Victoria Baron, 27, a 27-year-old Ukrainian national who moved to Berlin last summer to work in a data science firm, said that she was protesting Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

She said, “It is very important that people support their people even though they’re overseas,” and that she spoke to her family almost every day. She also spent hours on social media keeping up with the latest developments.


CAIRO — An interim government in chaos-stricken Libya has rejected Russia’s decision not to recognize two regions of southeast Ukraine.

The Government of National Unity issued a Tuesday statement urging Russia to stop escalating and use diplomacy to solve the Ukraine crisis. The Russian government also requested that the Wagner mercenaries from Libya who fought alongside Khalifa Hiter’s forces in his unsuccessful attempt to take over Tripoli’s capital in 2019, be withdrawn.


MOSCOW — Russia’s Foreign Ministry stated that it had decided to expel Russian diplomat personnel from Ukraine due to threats.

The ministry stated Tuesday that Russian diplomats in Ukraine had received numerous threats and that they would be evacuated “in a matter of hours.” It didn’t elaborate.

This follows Russia’s recognition that Ukraine has rebel regions and Russia’s parliament voting to give President Vladimir Putin permission to use military force against Ukraine.

Only three hours drive from Belarus’ border, Kyiv, is the Ukrainian capital. There are Russian troops stationed there for war games.


BRUSSELS — Jean-Yves Le Drian, French foreign minister, says that all 27 European Union members have agreed to a set of initial sanctions against Russian officials in Ukraine.

Josep Borrell, EU’s chief of foreign affairs, stated Tuesday that the first set of sanctions would “hurt Russia and it will hurt quite a bit.”

He stated that the sanctions would be applied to members of Russia’s Duma who voted against Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, stated that sanctions will directly target individuals or companies as well as banks funding “the Russian military apparatus” which contributes to the destabilization in Ukraine.

Von der Leyen also stated that the EU would limit the Russian government’s ability to raise capital via the bloc’s financial markets.

She stated that “we will make it as difficult for the Kremlin as possible to pursue its aggressive activities.”


BERLIN — Germany’s top security officer says authorities are ready for cyberattacks as a response to Russia’s crisis.

The Interior Ministry stated Tuesday that security agencies have taken precautionary measures to prevent such attacks, and Germany’s national cybersecurity center is closely monitoring developments.

Nancy Faser, Interior Minister, stated on Twitter that authorities are “prepared for all conceivable consequences of this conflict.”


BUCHAREST (Romania) — Klaus Iohannis, the Romanian President, said Tuesday that he had spoken to his Polish counterpart and agreed to host an “extraordinary summit” Friday at Warsaw among the Bucharest Nine members in order to “coordinate our responses and demonstrate our unity” during Russia’s actions against Ukraine.

Online, Iohannis wrote that “Today, I discussed with Andrzej Da, President of Poland, the grave security situation in Black Sea Region following Russian actions which flagrantly violate international law.” “We stand by Ukraine!”

Romania and Poland created the Bucharest Nine in 2015. This group includes NATO’s easternmost members, including Hungary, Bulgaria and Slovakia.


BELVOIR Castle, England — The Baltic defense ministers urged world leaders today to swiftly impose severe sanctions on Russia. They said their countries are well aware of the dangers associated with trying to appease a bully.

As defense ministers of the Joint Expeditionary Force met in central England, Tuesday saw the Baltic countries’ eastern flank on NATO’s radar. A group of 10 countries led by the U.K. is designed to respond more quickly to threats such as those posed by Russia.

Artis Pabriks, Latvia’s Defense Minister, stated in an interview with The Associated Press that the world leaders should act quickly to impose severe sanctions. Otherwise it will be too late for democracy and freedom.

He stated that if the Russian president’s “aggression” is not stopped now, it would send the message to the U.S. that Moscow can “play with the Europeans”.


LONDON — Experts in sanctions say that the West must take more aggressive measures against Russia to deter President Vladimir Putin’s military intervention in Ukraine.

Tyler Kustra, University of Nottingham political professor, stated that the sanctions on Tuesday by Britain against five Russian banks, and three wealthy individuals, were “a paper cut.”

He stated that the U.K. could do a lot more. There are certain to be far more London-based oil oligarchs that could be sanctioned. They could have assets frozen and be expelled from the country.

Thomas Mayne is a corrupt expert and visiting fellow at Chatham House think tank. He also stated that Britain’s position as a hub of no-questions-asked Russian cash was a significant problem.

He said that for at least 20 years we have been accepting Russian money. “We have been allowing people from very questionable sources of wealth to obtain Tier 1 visas in the U.K. to purchase property and to list their businesses on the London Stock Exchange. This is far more than American stock exchanges. We’re now questioning whether this was a good idea.


MOSCOW — Russian President Vladimir Putin called for international recognition and acceptance of Crimea as part Russia. He also demanded an end to Ukraine’s NATO membership application and a halt in weapons shipments to the region.

Putin claimed Tuesday that Russia’s 2014 annexation Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula should international recognized as a legitimate reflection the local population’s decision, likening this to a vote in favor of Kosovo independence.

Western powers have widely condemned the annexation as violating international law.

He called for an end to the current crisis and also demanded the cancellation of Ukraine’s NATO bid. He said it should assume a neutral status, and that the West should cease sending weapons there.


BRUSSELS — NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg claims Russia is taking military action towards Ukraine. He also condemned Moscow’s decision not to recognize the independent areas of southeast Ukraine.

Stoltenberg described Tuesday’s move as a “serious Russian escalation” and a violation of international law. The NATO chief called it a “further invasion” of Ukraine by Russia, which had already invaded its neighbor in 2014.

He said that Russia is continuing to plan for a large-scale attack against Ukraine.

Stoltenberg stated that NATO allies have more then 100 warplanes on high-alert and more than 120 warships at sea, from the Arctic Circle to Mediterranean Sea.

He stated that NATO’s response force is still at high readiness, but has not been deployed yet. However, some allies are moving ships, planes, and troops into the Baltic States and the Black Sea to protect other NATO members.


MOSCOW — Russian lawmakers gave President Vladimir Putin permission for military force to be used outside of Russia.

After the U.S. declared an invasion underway, Tuesday’s unanimous vote in Russia’s top house could signal a wider attack on Ukraine.

This vote officially authorizes Russia to send troops to rebel areas, where a conflict that lasted eight years has resulted in nearly 14,000 deaths.


MOSCOW — Russia’s closest allies seemed reluctant to support Moscow’s decision not to recognize rebel-held territories in eastern Ukraine.

The Foreign Ministry of Belarus stated Tuesday that it had seen Russian President Vladimir Putin’s move with respect and understanding, but did not say whether Minsk would do the same and recognize the self-proclaimed Donetsk or Luhansk republics.

Officials from Kazakhstan, whose president asked last month for a Russia-led Security Alliance to send troops to quell violence, stated that the issue of recognizing separatist areas was not on their agenda.

Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan, the President of Azerbaijan, is in Moscow to meet with Putin. He did not mention Moscow’s recognitions of Luhansk and Donetsk in his broadcast remarks. Instead, he focused on bilateral relations.

Armenia, another Russian ally, has not yet sent a message of support for Russia’s move.

Putin tried to assure Russia’s ex Soviet allies that he didn’t see resurrecting Soviet Union. Putin told the Azerbaijani president, “It is absolutely false” that Russia might try to rebuild its empire.


WASHINGTON — After initially resisting the use of the term, the White House now refers to Russian troop deployments to eastern Ukraine as an “invasion”. This is a red line President Joe Biden stated would lead to the U.S. imposing severe sanctions on Moscow.

Jon Finer, principal deputy national security advisor, stated Tuesday that “this is, yes,” the beginning of Russia’s latest invasion in Ukraine. He also said “latest” was important because “an invasion IS an invasion and this is what is currently underway.”

According to an American official, the White House made the decision to refer to Russia’s actions in “invasion” due to the current situation. This was under the condition that he not be identified to discuss internal deliberations.

Because the White House wanted to know what Russia would do, the administration initially refused to call the deployment of troops. After assessing Russian troop movements, the official said that it was clear that it was a new invasion.

— By Aamer madhani in Washington


LONDON — Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of Britain, says Britain will impose sanctions on five Russian banks as well as three wealthy individuals in response to Russia’s recent military actions on Ukraine.

Johnson informed lawmakers that sanctions would be imposed on Rossiya Bank and IS Bank, General Bank, Promsvyazbank, Black Sea Bank and Promsvyazbank. Johnson stated that three Russian oligarchs, Boris Rotenberg, Igor Rotenberg, and Gennady Timchenko with energy and infrastructure interests would have their assets frozen. They will also be prohibited from travelling to the U.K.

The United States has already sanctioned all three.

Johnson claimed that Russian President Vladimir Putin had “created the pretext for an entire-scale offensive against Ukraine” and added that “further strong sanctions” would be imposed if this happened.

Johnson stated that “this is the first tranche, this the first barrage of our preparedness to do and we have further sanctions at readiness for deployment.” Johnson spoke to British lawmakers.

He said that Russian tanks and armored personnel carrier were also spotted in separatist Ukrainian areas recognized by Putin. This amounts to a “renewal of invasion” in Ukraine, he said.


BERLIN — Chancellor Olaf Scholz states that Germany has taken steps against Russia’s certification of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipe.

On Tuesday, Scholz stated to reporters in Berlin that the measure was being taken by his government in response to Moscow’s actions in Ukraine.

The United States and several European countries have long criticized the pipeline that transports natural gas from Russia to Germany. They claim it increases Europe’s dependence on Russian energy sources.

Scholz stated that Scholz had informed the government that they have decided to “reassess” the certification of the pipeline. The pipeline has not yet started operating.

He said, “That will definitely take time,” if I may so say.


MOSCOW — Russia claims that it recognizes the independence of areas in eastern Ukraine and extends its recognition to territories currently held by Ukrainian forces.

This Tuesday’s statement raises the stakes amid Western concerns that Moscow could follow Monday’s recognition and launch an invasion of Ukraine.

Dmitry Peskov, spokesperson for the Kremlin, stated that Russia had recognized the independence of rebel regions “in borders that existed at their declaration” in 2014.

After a conflict lasting nearly eight years, Ukrainian forces regained control of large parts of both areas. This was after more than 14,000 deaths.