the COURT IN LYNGBY, denmark (Ekstra Bladet): Three relaxed and smiling boys at 18, 18 and 19 years old was this morning brought into court 4.

In the tightly packed tilhørerpladser was the three voldtægtstiltalte teenagers ‘ immediate families ready to listen and provide moral support.

The three young nordsjællændere are all indicted for earlier in the year on the shift to have exposed a contemporary teenage girl for the consummated rape and other sexual relations than sexual intercourse.

It must have unfolded in the course of three hours from two o’clock on the night of Saturday 28. march.

In voldtægts-the relationship refuses teenagers all guilty.

One of the young men are also accused of having offended her by taking in three films of the sexual relationship with his cell phone.

He and a medtiltalt buddy saved after the prosecutor’s opinion of the films, which later was divided into a smaller Snapchat-group.

In the two conditions, there is a partial realization.

The alleged sexual injuries occurred in connection with a private, impromptu party at a friend’s, who is not charged in the case.

the Group played drukspil and took shots and vodka. For the boys ‘ part, there was also smoked hash.

due To intoxication was the young woman after his own and the prosecutor Bente Schnacks opinion, unable to oppose.

It appears by the indictment that the girl will be called ‘av’, ‘hold up’ and ‘now stop,’ and she wept and screamed.

Her own explanation will be in the afternoon made behind closed doors. And the press also had to leave the room, as the films before the dinner was played in court.

Trial continues in July. It is unclear when that will be handed down judgment in the case.

See also: Police warn: do not Share voldtægts-video – it is a crime


Indicted 18-year-old: She was 100 percent with

One of the voldtægtstiltalte boys explained in court that he did not know the injured woman in advance. But he insists that there was a case of voluntary intercourse with her.

– She was 100 percent, said the 18-year-old high school student.

the Group was, by common agreement met for the evening in advance along with two of the forurettedes girlfriends. They left the property before the sexual escapades, developed.

In court, he explained that he and the young woman had flirted together under druklegene, and that she took pants and panties off, as they are out at night alone.

He and the girl then had intercourse, and he stuck a finger up into her several times. The young man does not remember that the girl cried ‘no’ and ‘hold up’.

He heard her not cry or scream.

– The only thing I heard was that she moaned, the young man said suddenly registered that a medtiltalt companion also attended and had sexual intercourse with the young woman.

Video of the alleged assault was later posted on a Snapchat group. The 18-year-old registered until later in the morning, to the aggrieved and wept, and was unhappy. He then wrote to her:

‘I’ll apologize, if you perceived it as an attack. It was of course not in order.’

In court, he refused, that it was the same as a realization.

I did not feel it was rape. It was to give an excuse, said the 18-year-old man, who insists that he did not know that the victim had a girlfriend.

The other two defendants in the voldtægtssagen is giving evidence later in the day.