A deliberate derailment of a train on the track between the stations Nordhavn and Svanemøllen in Copenhagen could be turned into a disaster. There were approximately 120 people in the S-train, as the 4. march of this year at 11.45 hit a 25 kilo heavy metal rod, which was laid across the rails.

the Left wheel on the front axle lifted up seven-10 inches from the rail, but the train was fortunately not fully derailed, while it was driving around 70 km/h. The metal rod was found wedged stuck under the train.

A 27-year-old Bulgarian is now indicted for ’injury of railway accident’, and to have caused extensive disturbance of the train traffic.

272 trains were cancelled and 104 trains delayed, then the RAILWAYS had to stop trains in a good two hours. Happened damage of 167.000 kr. on the train and the track.

Bulgareren refuses guilty. You must back to 1955 to find a verdict of a derailed train. Here was a man three years in prison for putting stones on the rails.

According to the indictment, found the 27-year-old metal left behind by the track. It was in the DSB-jargon a ’afsporingshund’, which is used to brake a stationary train, so it does not roll. He was arrested shortly after the afsporingen.

Two witnesses saw him put the metal bar with barbs on the rails and said that the man wore a blue backpack and a yellow ball. One witness, who described him as ‘sloppy with the beard’ tried to stop the man by to flail his arms, but he was evidently not what she meant.

A police patrol spotted bulgareren, which corresponded closely to the witnesses description.

In grundlovsforhøret told bulgareren, that he had come to Denmark to find work. He had been at Nordhavn Station, but not perched on the rails, he said in court.

the driver and the driver nødbremsede, when he heard the sound from the impact. He explained that the train usually runs 90 km/h on the line, but the speed was put down the day to 70 km/h.

It is unknown what the representative of the accused, any motive has been to the crime. Prosecutor Anders Larsson requires bulgareren expelled if he is convicted.