The 27-year-old former contestant in the british version of the reality series ‘Love Island’ Malin Andersson is known as an advocate of the female body awareness. The former makeup-artist from Milton Keynes in England often uses his Instagram profile to teach women to love their own body no matter how it looks.

she has also done in his last two posts from earlier in the day. To the first picture, where Malin is dressed in naughty white lingerie, she writes a small letter to itself:

‘Dear Malin. I promise that I will always be good to you. To take good care of your body. To give it good nourishment, and to be nice to it. To be kind and gentle to your own thoughts. And to always treat you with respect. For you deserve it. Loving greeting Malin.’

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Dear Malin, I promise to always be good to you. To look after your body. Two nourish it well, to be kind to it. Two be kind to your mind. And to always treat you with respect. For you deserve it. Love Malin

A spread shared by MALIN ANDERSSON (@missmalinsara) the

Shortly after laid Malin a new posting out, where she tried to be a little more serious. Here wrote Malin Andersson the following:

‘Here comes a more serious posting. Sometimes I am also serious. I, however, do not life itself so seriously’.

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A serious one too. Cos sometimes I’m serious. I just don’t take life seriously

A spread shared by MALIN ANDERSSON (@missmalinsara) the

The two lookup was received with positive messages from many of Malin andersson’s 611.000 followers.

A follow wrote:

‘I wish you knew how much you inspire me to love myself, and how important your words are for young girls. Thank you for making it, as you do.’

another follow wrote:

‘So beautifully. I aim to get the same thoughts as you one day, when it’s all about how you look at your own body. I wish I could say that I am happy with my own body. But it is I not just now. I’m struggling really to accept some stretch marks and learn to ignore them. But I know that I will come to love them one day.’

A third follows, wrote a short and good:

‘You are beautiful Malin. You are a big inspiration for me.’

Malin is here photographed in London in 2017. Photo: Nils Jorgensen/Shutterstock