the Light burned in the Fitness World Birkerød in 3 months. Day and night. 7 days a week.
– I have tried 3 times to contact them. And there will be nothing done about it.
– in one of the spreads (the answers) on Facebook excused himself with, that there was perhaps technicians or other work to be done.
– But I doubt that there is performed check of the machinery of the night.
this is the sound of the first lines of an email in the nation! have received on the energy consumption and customer service. Andreas has namely, as shown by the screenshots, he has reported – several times written to the fitnesskædens Facebook employees, and they have repeatedly responded that they were happy for his messages. And that they would give the message on. But turned off the light, they did not.
the nation! have therefore asked the Fitness World, why the light has been switched on for such a long time (Andreas believes it is ago 12. march), and whether they have a policy on energy consumption. Their answers can be read below. Andreas letter continues namely as follows:
I really hope that IN the (EB) can get thrown it here directly in the head at the FW, so that they can appropriately get an excuse or a ’slap’ to that boss or manager who is responsible for this.
– I think it is under all criticism, that we are all in this corona-crisis AND the climate crisis have tried to save money and enerig, as the big companies lose money every day due to lack of circulation, writes Andreas, which as you can see wrote about the lighted candles d. 14. april.
the nation! have sent Andreas’ letter and pictures and screenshots of the dialog to the Fitness World, and asked them to reply if they have policies about light and electricity, why the light has been switched on, and why they are similar in the man nicely on Facebook – but fails to turn the light off. They are equivalent:
– In 2019, we carried out in the fitness World, a comprehensive and large LED light project, which bl.a. have reduced our electricity consumption and Co2 emissions by more than 40%.
– We have connected with the decommissioning under the corona, reduced our electricity usage at almost 90%, so we only ran on the vilestrøm for the maintenance of alarms, fire and operating.
– In each of the centers are light coupled with our alarms and fire safety, which means that parts of the light is maintained, in some cases, for security reasons, and due to the interconnection. (This may be the case here in Minnesota).
– In connection with the lukkeperioden, our technicians continuously, and at different times-service centres, which means that there is work done in the centres at different times, why the light can be switched on.
– In the information is that bl.a. pictures from yesterday, which is the day before we opened our centre.
– Here the staff has spent many hours to make the centres ready for our members to the opening this morning at. 06:00, write the Fitness World, but what are you thinking?