Since Pernille Nygaard was world-famous through the tv programme ‘Paradise Hotel’ back in 2012, she got the nickname ‘Stupid Sign’.

today, it will be more apt to call her ‘Wise-Pernille’, for the now 29-year-old realitydeltager has once and for all, highlighted that there are plenty between the ears, and that she knows how to use it.

Danish celebrity – 14. dec. 2019 – at. 21:32 Responds to criticism: – Yes, they are giant

on Friday she could so storsmilende get the grade for his bachelor project at jurauddannelsen at Aalborg University: A 12-number.

– I’m smadderglad. It was a 12-number. It’s crazy, I was so nervous before the exam, for it is the largest on the bachelordelen. It is a long time ago, you have written it, so I was curious as to how it would go, and now I have a 12-number on the certificate, she says with obvious joy in his voice and continues:

I made a task for the new self-provision in the penal code, section 243 about psychological violence.

Now it’s summer vacation, and she looks forward to getting his life back.

– I have been completely out of reach. I should have kept track on my calendar again, and then I have some work and a new tv-program that must be coordinated. It is a relief to be able to say that now I am done with my bachelor, so I can concentrate on the other things that also have meaning.

See also: Danish realitybabe: I do not want a monkey

the Nickname ‘Stupid-Paul’ can now be laid in the grave, and she is happy.

– I have developed myself very much and in the positive way. I’m just happy and think it is cool that I can show to those who perhaps thought I was less endowed, that I now have a bachelor’s degree in law with a 12-number.

– it Is nice to close the ass of people on the way?

– It is kind of nice that you can put the preconceptions away. People will have to read the whole book before they judge it on the cover.

After the summer holidays, she started with his master.

– I have been busy on the training and go in time for september. I hope to be able to clear it in a year and a half, so I’m ready for december next year as a lawyer, she says.