After much delay, due to a coronavirus, and the protests against George, His death, and presented the Sony, at last, the new PS5:on a Thursday evening. In a live broadcast on Youtube called the ”Future of Gaming” appeared in the new console up. And the fans got value for the extra time they are expected.
the Design is entirely new, and of the reactions in the network, that the judge is really nice. PS5 is going to be available in two variants, one with a diskläsare in the computer, but diskläsare. The Playstation did not reveal what the prize is going to be like. They did mention not anything about the exact time when the console is expected to be available in the trade.
an Updated version of the GTA V
the Developer revealed a new game coming to the console, including an updated version of GTA 5, which is included with the purchase of the console, if you already have the game.
“today is a day that we’ve been looking forward to for years, one day we will get to show off some of the game shows that we have to think that the Playstation 5 is the biggest generational change in our industry has ever seen,” said Playstations ceo, Jim Ryan.
the Second game was the ”Spider-Man: Miles Morales”, ”Resident Evil: the Village” and the ”Gran Turismo 7”.
the Bloody kartellkriget rage in the coronapandemin
To see Sweden out of the 1 -, 3-and 10-year after-coronapandemin
So in the summer of 2020’s: – the Weather in the months of June, July, August
, the Forecast for the months of June, July, August • ”Warmer than it normally is.”
the Alarm: The materials were not available for a large-scale sampling ( e-Mail revealing the Materials found abroad Were acute shortages.