Just wait until people take holidays and travel around the country.

– So there will be new and increased proliferation.

– Who should be forbidden to travel out of one’s own municipality until everything is stable.

– Close the Oslo of. No out, no in.

How to write Jan H in one of the most popular of the 337 comments written on NRK.no’s Facebook profile about the increase in the number of corona-infected Oslo-citizens, which has happened in a week.

According to the NRK, which is the country’s public service channel, was 81 Osloborgere found infected with corona in the last week, while there was only talk about the 24 citizens in the week before:

– People must simply pull themselves together. It is not over yet.

– Keep your distance, wash hands, visit the old and sick.

– We kill each other, if we do not take it seriously, writes Lisa M, who have got 55 likes, while Jon B has scored 34 for this reassuring message:

– They expect that figure will increase somewhat as we open the country more and more.

– do not Think this is dramatic, but quite expected, writes Jon.

You are allowed to travel to Norway

From d. 15. June opens the Ministry of foreign affairs, up for travel to Iceland, Germany and Norway.

the Ministry of foreign affairs urges, nonetheless, that you only travel to areas that are not densely populated.

It will say that you must avoid urban areas with over 750,000 inhabitants.

in Addition one should be aware of his personal safety and keep themselves updated on the rejsevejledningen in the country.

Source: Coronasmitte.dk

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Assistant helsedirektør Espen Rostrup Nakstad, says to NRK that it is difficult right now to say what the increase is due, however, to smitteopsporingen is started:

– But this is a good example of what happens when you relax better.

– If you do not keep at home when you are sick, and so on top of not keep a meters distance, so you can see it in the statistics, says the assisterenede helsedirektør.

Community – 10. jun. 2020 – pm. 10:32 Smittetrykket with the corona virus has risen to 1.0

In Denmark, there are found 15 new corona-infected the past day, and smittetrykket is increased to 1.0, but what do you say?