the Sign, as you can see in the picture of the article here, because of a lack of sentence be understood in several ways, and it has resulted in more wondering drivers have scored parkeringsbøder.

It writes the and

OPERATION’, is inscribed on the sign in the town of Ludlow in England.

the Challenge is that when there is no sentence, it can be understood in several ways. The municipality’s intention with the sign was to tell drivers that parking is prohibited, and that the enforcement of parkeringsforbuddet is still active in spite of coronaviruses.

Therefore there would not have been any misunderstanding, if the authority had made sure to put a dot after the ‘PARKING,’ but because it was not the case, thought more drivers to sign told, to parkeringsforbuddet of the time were not enforced.

Therefore got more of the drivers fines.

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– the Sign should have said: ‘Parking prohibited. Enforcement in operation’. Because of the lack of sentence of the message was lost, and parkeringsbøder was issued. It was obviously confusing, says Andy Boddington of the city council to the

– I would encourage everyone who has been parkeringsbøder to complain. I think the sign was put up in a hurry, he says.

the Article continues under the picture …

the Error should now be corrected at the confusing sign. Photo: Andy Boddington / SWNS

One of the locals, who have parked on the square, is a 39-year-old Angela Rennie. She read, according to the the sign so that parkeringsreglerne had been eased during the coronaviruses.

– I’ve actually parked there, but fortunately I did not get a fine. If I had gotten it, I would have taken it all the way, she says to the media.

– As it stands, it means that you can park there. It is their fault, and it just goes to show how a sentence completely change the meaning of a sentence, she says.

– You have to just laugh at it, but I guess that those who have been given a penalty, do not think it is fun. Hopefully they will not have to pay, she says.

the city council in Shropshire will provide to, to which is now added a sentence on the signs, which had the error.

It was an honest mistake, and we apologize for the confusion. When the error was discovered, it was corrected, and the signs have been replaced. All who feel that they were confused by the signs, and who has received a parking ticket, have the right to follow our complaint process, says Steve Davenport, which is kabinetmedlem for highways and transport in the city council in Shropshire.

– It should be noted that everyone who had parked in this area, had parked in a pedestrian area, which is not allowed, and it is also irresponsible in view of the current guidelines for social distancing, he says.

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