As expected, the parliamentary investigation commission of the national Assembly dedicated to the review of the management of the health crisis, has planned to launch its hearings as early as Tuesday, June 16, at 17h, at the end of questions to the government.

The commission, chaired by mp LREM Brigitte Bourguignon, with Damien Abad, as vice-president and Eric Ciotti to the post of rapporteur-general, will begin its hearings Tuesday, with Jerome Solomon, director-general of health, followed on Wednesday of the leaders of the organization Public Health in France.

health Crisis: the commission of inquiry will interfere with the exit from the crisis of the executive,

mps have adapted their calendar to that of the municipal elections and they did not ask the political leaders that after the 28 June, the date of the second round of voting. Before the policy, they expected to hear the administrative experts followed the health experts. Thus, the chairman of the scientific council, professor Jean-François Delfraissy will be heard on Thursday. And professor Didier Raoult, director of the Institute university hospital and university of Marseille (IHU) will answer the questions the following week.

In the aftermath, the former ministers of Health will be on parade in front of the parliamentarians, beginning with Agnès Buzyn, probably on 30 June or 1 July. The goal is to go back up to Roselyne Bachelot, the incumbent of the position from 2007 to 2010, under the presidency of Nicolas Sarkozy.

Normally, depending on the term constitutional, the commission will have until December 2020 to work but mps are likely to produce several status reports before the end of their investigation. For its part, the parliamentary commission of inquiry of the Senate should start its work from the beginning of the month of July.

The editorial team conseillePhilippe Douste-Blazy: “The health strategy of the déconfinement is incomprehensible”SujetAssemblée nationale13 commentairesGrouchy_le 10/06/2020 19:05

He did what the man trunk every night at 19 hours ?

Clear Malherbele 10/06/2020 18:25

In fact, a big silence on the app stop covid ! What was the cost ? It reminds me of the results of the great debate ! Have you read a final synthesis ?

Dupond the joiele 10/06/2020 18:00

Commission bogus, this the busy. A few moments grotesque to come

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