Really should not have been shown ‘Go’ Morgen Danmark’ on tv in the weekends this month.

the Program weekendudgave was actually gone on vacation, but after that, TV2 called ‘a sea of calls’ from viewers, channel decided to send morgenprogrammet in the weekends the rest of June.

It reveals the ‘Go’ Morgen Danmark’ on Instagram.

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Well, it was the world’s shortest summer break After a lot of requests from you viewers, it has now decided, to TV 2 in the year anyway send Go’ morgen Danmark on the weekends for the rest of June! So, on Saturday opens Mikkel Kryger and beautiful @michelebellaiche ballet again, and the rest of June, we send every Saturday again live directly from the Tivoli Sunday morning in June to see a sammenklip from all the week’s shows, so you don’t get ripped off for your dose Go’ morgen Danmark Go for the summer, Denmark! #gotv2dk #gosommer #viertilbage

A lookup shared of Go’ morgen & Go’ aften LIVE (@gotv2dk) the

– Well, it was the world’s shortest summer vacation. After a lot of requests from you viewers, it has now decided to TV2 in the year anyway sending ‘Go’ Morgen Danmark’ in the weekends in the rest of June, writing the program on social media.

Weekendudsendelserne will be kicked off on Saturday in the Tivoli gardens in Copenhagen, where Mikkel Kryger and Michèle Bellaiche is hosts.

the Rest of June will be the program sent each Saturday – so Saturday the 20. and on Saturday the 27. June – also direct from the Tivoli.

All of the remaining Sundays this month sends TV2 a sammenklip of the past week’s Go’ Morgen Danmark shows.