A work attributed to Banksy, a tribute to the victims of the attacks of November 2015 in Paris and fly in 2019 at the Bataclan, was found during an operation of the forces of law and order in the center of Italy, told AFP Wednesday from the carabinieri.

read also : Banksy proposes the erecting of a statue to the glory of those who cut down the statues of slavers

“We recovered the door fly at the Bataclan with a piece by Banksy depicting a young girl sad”, said to AFP by a senior officer of the carabinieri in Teramo. The transaction has been initiated at the request of the French police and conducted in the presence of French officers, said this person. “I can’t tell you anything else, a press conference by the prosecutor of l’aquila”, the chief town of the Abruzzo region, where the work was found, “will be held tomorrow morning”, he just added.

SEE ALSO Banksy : it shows you his works, his myth and its message