A 29-year-old man Wednesday at the Court in Kolding has been convicted of two serious attempted rape against random women in Vejle with six-year intervals.

the Court found him in the main, guilty of the raised indictments, and the verdict was three and a half years in prison, informs the prosecutor Iben Degnbol.

the Man has throughout the proceedings denied the guilty.

The first attempted rape took place 4. march 2012 early morning, where a woman was pulled in through a gate to a backyard in the city.

Here took overfaldsmanden the woman’s clothes, even though she fought against it. Then he tried to rape her, which, however, failed.

The 21. October 2018 took a 29-year-old woman a pirattaxi in Vejle. Behind the wheel sat the now convicted man.

However, according to the indictment – and now the verdict – coercion he along the way for a woman to kiss, as he pulled her pants down. She managed to tear himself free and run away.

the Police stood for a long time without the suspect in both cases, but earlier in the year was the 29-year-old revealed by chance, when he was charged in the second case.

In this context, he had to give a dna sample, and it revealed him as the perpetrator of the two attempted rape.

Prosecutor Iben Degnbol has earlier told, that the case which led to the dna sample, is closed and not led to anything. But the sample switched him to the two attempted rape in Vejle.

His dna popped up here in 2020. He was charged for something else – which, incidentally, is connected – then take the dna of the connection, and then there’s the hit on the two cases, she said.

The 29-year-old refuses guilty in both circumstances. In a ratio from 2012 he refuses to have been on the site. In a ratio from 2018 he admits that he was present, but denies that there is talk about the attempted rape.

He appealed on the ground the judgment of the Vestre Landsret and would have navneforbuddet to apply during the appeal.

It rejected the Court of Kolding, but the order kærede he to the court of appeal, and until it has taken a decisions apply navneforbuddet continue.