A crop as a rule. Invited to France Inter on Wednesday, Marine Le Pen has strongly disapproved of the remarks of Julien Odoul on the death of Adama Traoré, claiming that it was a “beautiful nonsense”. In question, the recent release of the regional consultant RN, who said on Tuesday to CNews that the young man, who died during an interpellation in 2016, “was not killed because he was black” but “because it’s a guy”.

“I say this in the most clear. This does not, of course, that it was considered that, because it is delinquent, one must take the risk to die,” said Marine Le Pen. As a reminder, Julien Odoul had already generated controversy in October 2019, when he had publicly urged an attendant to school – in front of several children including his own son – to remove the veil, during a plenary assembly of the regional Council of Burgundy-Franche-Comté.

“The racialisme”, it is “basically the opposite of the vision française’

After being freed of his colleague, the president of the RN was, however, sentenced the family of Adama Traoré, whom she accuses of being “the gang Traoré”. “They are all serious offenders. For some of the crimes they are accused of”, she argued. She then mentioned the “three forensic expertise (which) have been demonstrated in this case that Adama Traoré was not dead, the fact of his arrest.” If a third medical opinion ordered by the investigating judges in charge of the investigation has exonerated the police of all responsibility, a other expertise commissioned by the family has pointed to last week’s the responsibility of the constables in the death of the young man. “I would like to return to the truth, because there is a witch hunt against our police that is not justified”, regretted Marine Le Pen.

as to the claims of the collective to support Adama Traoré, the patron saint of the RN was called to the refusal of the “movement racialiste” in France. “The racialisme, it is the idea that it is necessary to organize the company according to communities planned around their origin or the colour of their skin. It is basically the opposite of the French vision, which is, in reality, the individualizing of human relations”, she established.

“As the government gears to these movements, it is absolutely shameful (…). The rule of law is not to submit to emotion,” she also blasted. The minister of the interior, Christophe Castaner, had estimated on Tuesday about the protests illegal but not punished in tribute to George Floyd, that “the emotion world exceeds the legal rules that apply”. In this context, the chosen one of Hénin-Beaumont has shared his “concern” vis-à-vis the “government behavior”. “What we have experienced in the past three days is the revelation of the abandonment by the government of the State of law”, she denounced.

also read : Case Traoré: Macron asks the government to seize the “police violence”

in particular, It has pointed the finger at Christophe Castaner, who “said that he would not enforce the law for violations of the state health emergency aimed at gatherings of thousands of people”. The secretary of State to the minister of the interior, Laurent Nunez, recalled Wednesday morning that “it is obviously the law which is above”. “The legal rules apply. The emotion generated by this desire to combat racism, obviously I share it. But the legal rules, it is another thing”, he insisted on Europe 1, without specifying whether it is yes or no, the rallies would be well prohibited.

In his diatribe against the decisions taken by the government, Marine Le Pen has sued, accusing the executive of violating the separation of powers.” “Emmanuel Macron request to the minister of Justice to consider a particular case which is in the hands of the judiciary and it violates the presumption of innocence when he says that there will be a suspension of police officer as soon as there are suspicions proved”, has developed the president of the RN. “This means that the hint leads to the suspension, and that is totally the opposite of the presumption of innocence”, she says. Lawrence Nuñez had already stated that the security forces would be suspended for actions or about proven, and not for “suspicion”, as stated by his minister, Christophe Castaner.

222 commentairespaphnucele 10/06/2020 16:02

And in fact blunders , Ms. Le Pen has no lesson to receive from anyone, it speaks a goldsmith …

E. O. T. W. P. Blacklistle 10/06/2020 16:01

If we were, as in the USA, only two parties in France (and in Europe in the future), that brings together the parties of the right or left, one right (republican)and left(democrat) … MLP would be in the votes of the right (such as Trump) !
You need to know to choose wisely !

géniusle 10/06/2020 15:58

and she knows about the Navy in the beautiful foolishness…….rofl

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