The prestigious scientific journal british Nature was suspended on Wednesday its publications for a day, joining academics and scientific organizations that have put their business on pause in the name of the fight against racism after the death of George Floyd.

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“Nature is opposed to all forms of racism and we join with others in the world to say, unequivocally, ‘Black Lives matter’ (The lives of Black matter),” says the journal in an editorial in the form of a mea culpa, published on its website. “We recognize that Nature is one of the institutions white responsible for biases in research and scholarship. The world of scientific research has been, and remains, complicit in systemic racism, and should make further efforts to correct these injustices and amplify the voices of marginalized,” says the editorial.

The scientific journal, is joining the movement called #ShutDownStem launched within universities and scientific organizations american and will not publish on Wednesday, “that the contents that are directly relevant to support of the Blacks in the universities and STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics, editor’s note)”.

“as members of the worldwide academic community and STEM, we have the enormous ethical obligation to cease to carry on ‘as if nothing had happened'”, one can read on the website of the movement from the personal to the american research.

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“Our research documents are transformed into press releases, books and laws which reinforce the narratives of anti-black. In the area of STEM, we create technologies that touch all parts of our society, and are regularly used as weapons against Black people”, added the activists of #ShutDownStem.

The journal Nature announces, in addition, commit to producing a special issue “which will explore the systemic racism in the research, the policy research and publishing, including the journal Nature”.

The editorial team conseilleMort of George Floyd: “Even the Whites have finally understood”41 commentairesCalifornie Algeriennele 10/06/2020 15:43

We would like to thank the journal nature, which is a marker illuminating ، I was trying to say in this review that the racism is different from a crime, never had and never seen to share in jijel and in Texas, and I’m trying to say in abstract scientific than i am Malala got the Nobel prize , the Sakharov prize, and all the super prizes in science because of poison and of torture which tore the human body , no angel has been received of a strange received by the White house and all the governors, police officers in the West especially .
It does not want this Malala of a place of war does not require a support, but it does not require not what it has been , I am at a place to name Mallala and I was put in the cache hidden twenty years ago . Western civilization still does and any time that to using Arabic numbers , even marconi, who discovered radio in a may 14, he should thank Maxwell and Maxwell he should thank the engineer for roads and bridges Cauchy and Cauchy should thank you …
In deh of that do you believe that I’ve gotten up once my voice on one of my students or children , still, and in the sense of example : when the Turkish ordogane said if I was racist I wasn’t getting married with an arab , a side he is thanked, and it said racism in the sense that the Arab woman is not chair such as the Turkish and the western , in summary : nothing prohibits a place of the african to create the beautiful flower of this world

California Algeriennele 10/06/2020 15:39

We would like to thank the journal nature, which is a marker illuminating ، I was trying to say in this review that the racism is different from a crime, never had and never seen to share in jijel and in Texas, and I’m trying to say in abstract scientific than i am Malala got the Nobel peace prize , the Sakharov prize and all the super prizes in science because of poison and of torture which tore the human body , the non-angel has been received of a strange received by the White house and all the governors, police officers in the West especially .
It does not want this Malala of a place of war does not require a support, but it does not require not what it has been , I am at a place to name Mallala and I was put in the cache hidden twenty years ago . Western civilization still does and all the time using Arabic numerals and the ceciliens do not hide to say that our grandparents are andalousies , even marconi, who discovered radio in a may 14, he should thank Maxwell and Maxwell he should thank the engineer for roads and bridges Cauchy and Cauchy should thank you …
In deh of that do you believe that I’ve gotten up once my voice on one of my students or children , still, and in the sense of example : when the Turkish ordogane said if I was racist I wasn’t getting married with an arab , a side he is thanked, and it said racism in the sense that the Arab woman is not gold as the Turkish and the western ,

California Algeriennele 10/06/2020 15:24

We would like to thank the journal nature, which is a marker illuminating ، I was trying to say in this review that the racism is different from a crime, never had and never seen to share in jijel and in Texas, and I’m trying to say in abstract scientific than i am Malala got the Nobel peace prize , the Sakharov prize and all the super prizes in science because of poison and of torture which tore the human body , the non-angel has been received of a strange received by the White house and all the governors, police officers in the West especially .
It does not want this Malala of a place of war does not require a support, but it does not require not what it has been , I am at a place to name Mallala and I was put in the cache hidden twenty years ago . Western civilization still does and all the time using Arabic numerals and the ceciliens do not hide to say that our grandparents are andalousies , even marconi, who discovered radio in a may 14, he should thank Maxwell and Maxwell he should thank the engineer of the ponts et chaussées, Cauchy and Cauchy, must thank ….
I have a foncement in my head without scar at the same point of the Fermi photo review , saved narrowly according to the neurologist of the hospital of Constantine, and my Uncle Omar fiha fiha , even the bones of the skull deformed according to the ENT chinese there is a 2nd sign among others ..
In deh of that do you believe that I’ve gotten up once my voice on one of my students or children

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