the Third, fourth, or farther behind. In most major cities, the party of the Republic in The market (LREM) appeared marginalized on the evening of the first round of municipal elections and local authorities, its first local vote on 15 march last. Paris, Lille, Grenoble, Nantes or Besançon, Walkers qualified for the second round of the June 28, had decided to return alone in the countryside.

others have preferred To withdraw their lists or merge with another application. Preferring to favour, in most cases, a list of the right. An imbalance already observed before the first round : among the candidates invested or supported by LREM in cities of more than 10,000 inhabitants, 23% were from the right and 16% left, according to the count of “Fig Data”.

also read : ANALYSIS – The municipal, a kick-off brought to LREMÀ Lyon, Perpignan and Rouen, of the withdrawals for the benefit of the right

Dam, “anti-Green” in Lyon, “republican front” in Perpignan, hand outstretched to lists, right and centre to Rouen : in these three communes, the heads of a list LREM abandon their campaign in favor of a candidate from the right.

The political earthquake of the most important has been sounded in the metropolis of Lyon , where Gérard Collomb (16,5% in the first round) has put an end to seventeen years at the head of the town hall to promote the candidate (The Republicans, LR) François-Noël Buffet (17,65%). And to avoid the election of Bruno Bernard (Europe Ecology-The Greens, EELV, 22,55%) to the chairmanship of the very powerful metropolis. In exchange, in view of the election for the city council, the right has withdrawn its candidate Stephen White, in the favour of the ex-gymnast Yann Cucherat (LREM), protégé of Gérard Collomb.

read also : Lyon : Gérard Collomb meets the LR and transfers to the top of the list for the election of metropolitan

To Perpignan , a logic of the “republican front” was an award-winning. The Walker Roman Grau (13,17%) withdrew – all as the candidate EELV Agnès Langevine (14,51%) in order to allow the election of the mayor LR outgoing Jean-Marc Pujol (18,43%), rather than that of Louis Aliot (RN, 35,55%). Another situation to Rouen : come third behind the left and the environmentalists, who have merged, the candidate Jean-Louis Louvel (16,78%), supported both by LREM and LR, has thrown in the towel. Calling the candidate (various right) Jean-François Bures (10,16%) to open its list to its colistiers.

In Bordeaux, Doves and Levallois-Perret, mergers with the right

More ambitious still, the Walkers went so far as to merge their list with the right, in the hope to govern the city. Such a coalition has emerged to Bordeaux , where the candidate LREM Thomas Cazenave (12,69% in the first round) agreed to the successor of Alain Juppé at the head of the city, the mayor (LR) outgoing Nicolas Florian (34,55%). An attempt to prevent the left, led by ecologist Peter Hurmic (34,38%), to delight the town hall to the right, the head of the city hall since 1947.

read also : Municipal in Bordeaux: the candidate LREM Cazenave joins the list of outgoing mayor LR Florian

Hauts-de-Seine, the two cities are also the scene of such alliances. To Doves , the mayor LR outbound Nicole Goueta (34,20%) has decided to unite with his ex-assistant Sébastien Perrotel (LREM-UDI-MoDem, 21.6 per cent) in the face of strong environmentalist (30.1 percent). To Levallois-Perret , the Walker Maud Bregeon (15,03%) allied with the opponent (various right) history of Balkany, Arnaud de Courson (20,79%), in the hope of defeating the candidate LR Agnès Pottier-Dumas (34.6 per cent).

These reconciliations make minority mergers of candidates LREM with the left, seen in Nîmes or even Auxerre. Two cities-like exception on the map of France alliances macronistes to the municipal.

The editorial team conseilleMunicipales : Paris, Lyon, Marseille… The results of the first round in the main points chaudsSujetsGérard CollombPerpignanMunicipales 2020Aucun comment

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