Hundreds of millions of the world’s children under coronapandemien got impaired their own lives in serious or catastrophic.

It has happened as a result of the closed schools in 188 countries, increased sexual violence, increased child labour, more forced marriages and the number of cases with early pregnancy.

Such is the assessment from the Dutch relief organisation KidsRights.

For many of the world’s children have the daily skolemÃ¥ltid been the only solid meal they have got. Closed schools have therefore led to more malnutrition among children.

in Addition, coronapandemien has led to the stop in the vaccination programmes against among other things, polio. 78 million children in 23 countries have also not received the vaccine against measles as planned.

– It will result in increased infant mortality, and cost hundreds of thousands of children, according to a report from KidsRights.

the united nations estimates at the same time, to between 42 and 66 million children will be thrown into extreme poverty as a result of ailing economies in many countries.

the KidsRights Index 2020-report on world’s children and their rights are based on statistics from the UN and its various organisations.

– After a number of years with the progress in the work to ensure the welfare of children have this crisis turned the clock back, says Mark Dullaert, who founded the organization in 2003.

He says, moreover, that the authorities in most countries are so busy with the fight against coronaudbruddet, to the health care system and the economy crashing more or less together.

– therefore, There is a lack of resources and attention on children and their rights.

– To provide a child with a cold shoulder can be a disaster in the long and in the short term, says Dullaert.

While the children seem relatively unaffected by physical illness, ‘so it is not just the economic consequences, but all of the interventions that governments have made, which have a disastrous impact on many children’s lives’, according to a report from KidsRights.

the Group stresses that the closed schools leads to more child labour, previous marriages and teenage pregnancies. At the same time the physical violence increased in many homes.