The last two months of closure during the coronakrisen have left their distinct traces in both young and adult exercise habits.

It shows a survey made by the Institute of Sport & Biomechanics at University of Southern denmark.

The respondents have, on average, namely moved 20,6 percent less during the decommissioning.

at the same time, there emerged a disparity between those with a long and short training.

the Decline in physical activity among the highly educated is only 1.5 percent.

But by contrast, moving the lowest educated themselves to the 31.5 percent less.

at the same time is decreased also less in the cities than in rural areas, where there live more with a short training, says Charlotte Skau Pawlowski.

She is a lecturer at the Institute of Sports science & clinical Biomechanics and the project manager for the study.

the Imbalance may be due to the opportunities to be physically active in town and country have been different during the shutdown, believes the lektoren.

– Tourism is very important in the rural areas, and it has been closed down.

– It is also important in the cities, but we can see in our study that many recreation areas has been used for the movement in the cities, and these are not in the same degree in rural areas, she says.

at the same time, lektoren, to those who did not have the active habits during the skin within the corona, can be difficult to get back into the activity again.

From Danish Gymnastics and Sports associations, DGI, it is worrying.

Here is the president of Charlotte Bach Thomassen annoyed with the great inequality between the two groups.

– This is indeed a general problem for a society, if we do not manage to get all with any of that, which is beneficial for a good life and a good lifestyle.

in Order to get more people to become physically active and be a part of the idrætsfællesskaber working DGI together with the sports Federations on the action ‘Move for life’.

– If we adapt our activities and do a lot to welcome new groups within in træningsfællesskaber, as succeed we will, in fact, a piece of go along with it, she says.

Charlotte Bach Thomassen is sure to be a big part of danes will return, when the sports facilities and societies begin to open.