the ROME – about Guantànamo, there is a witness to disconcerting on the website of the humanitarian organization Reprieve, a body consisting of lawyers, human rights defenders, founded in 1999 by a jurist for the british, Clive Stafford Smith, who provides legal support and investigative free of charge to some of the most vulnerable people in the world: those who are facing detention for 18 years and never been accused of anything, the victims of the policies unfair against the terrorism of the United States. The action of these lawyers lawyers and investigators are supported by a community of people all over the world.

The story of Ahmed Rabbani

I didn’t know the names of Bruce Jessen and James Mitchell when you start this chapter of life. But now, I often think of them. And I want to make sure that you do it. (James Mitchell is an american psychologist, a former member of the air force of the United States, which he founded with Bruce Jessen, a company which between 2002 and 2009 he received by the CIA on a contract worth 81 million dollars to design and experiment with “legalized forms of torture” to “interrogation advanced” no.d.r)

I Was a taxi driver in Karachi. my name is Ahmed Rabbani. They are one of the seven people locked in Guantanamo and I collaborate with the investigators, the lawyers and the activists of Reprieve. Really, I would not need their help, why should I not be here. I was a nobody, I was just a taxi driver in Karachi. I would still be that taxi driver. I would like to know my son, who is born shortly before being kidnapped. I would never have heard of Jessen and Mitchell. Instead, they are a “prisoner” forever down here in Guantanamo. I’m here for 17 years. I have never been accused of a crime. But still: here I am.

torture designed. I Write because Jessen and Mitchell are testifying this week in the military commissions of Guantanamo on their project of torture. Well, don’t call it their “project of torture”, of course, but I do. Are the two psychologists responsible for the development of the “techniques of interrogation potentiated”, are used during the so-called “war on terrorism”. The methods that have been used on me and on my colleagues here at Guantanamo, many of whom have never been accused of a crime.

Torturers in the twenty-first century. The fact is that Jessen and Mitchell have brought torture in the twenty-first century. They formed a company that was paid 81 million dollars for that job. Nice sum, I know. And maybe this is why they are not sorry for their role in the story. Maybe not. Their lawyer, James T. Smith, says that his clients were “public servants, whose actions … were authorized by the government of the United States, legal and carried out in an attempt to protect” innocent lives”.

But I am – and always was – even the innocent. Who has been saved torturandomi? None. I was thinking about my business in Karachi when I was kidnapped and sold to the United States for a generosity on the part of the pakistani authorities, who were convinced that I was a man by the name of Hassan Ghul. The United States have captured the true Batman.

Subject to 540 days of torture. Are still subjected to the “techniques” of Jessen and Mitchell for 540 days. These techniques included the suspension of my body, hanging by the wrists, and then lowered into a hole so that my feet could barely touch the ground. I was left in total darkness for days, maybe a week. Without food. Toe-to-toe in my own excrement. Later I learned that this was something that Jessen and Mitchell had picked up from the Spanish Inquisition, the “strappado” used to call him. The pain was excruciating.

The unpunished total for Jessen and Mitchell. Jessen and Mitchell have not suffered consequences for their impact on my life and the lives of hundreds of other people. In the meantime, simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, a victim of an identity that is incorrect, I have been tortured, imprisoned, and separated from my son Jawad. He is 17 years old now, and I’ve never met him, let alone touch it.

The past cannot be undone . But we can try to build a better future. As a start, I would like that Jessen and Mitchell to stop close to my phone this week and said that simple word “sorry”. I’ll be here waiting. After all, I’m not allowed to leave.

* Ahmed Rabbani, a pakistani, a former taxi driver, inmate Guàntanamo

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