the ROME – next Monday, January 27th, is the Day of remembrance, chosen in 2005 by the United Nations general Assembly in memory of 27 January 1945, when troops of the Red Army liberated the camp, discovering the horror, the horror, the extermination camp of Auschwitz. The Italian universities, a place of memory for daily life and mission, are making public the initiatives that, individually prepared to celebrate the day. Milan To bring children closer to that memory, the University of Milano-Bicocca in the library of the university will present, Saturday, January 25, at 11 a.m., two stories of little girls, Anne and Erika, were born in that historical moment scary culminated in the Shoah. The well-known story of Anne Frank will be told through the eyes of alienating the large horse chestnut that grew in the courtyard of the house at number 263 Prinsengracht in Amsterdam, where Anne lived for two years in hiding. “The tree of Anne, is the book of Irene Janca Cohen. The second story is about a gesture of love, a heartbreaking and incredible boldness, witness of the power that hope can have it even in the darkest hours. Reading, here, will, in fact, “The story of Erika”, Ruth Van Vander Zee. The initiative is curated by Martino Negri, professor of children’s Literature and Didactics of literature at the University of Milano-Bicocca. Padua Tuesday, January 28, at 10 a.m., in the University of Padova sala dei Giganti al Liviano, corte Arco Vallaresso – will be held the Lectio magistralis “A memory that serves to nothing? Florence, Confiscate, return, reward” Ilaria Pavan ( Scuola normale superiore di Pisa ). Monday, January 27, the rector of the University of Florence – Louis-remember the university students of the florentines expelled from the classrooms and professorships, as a result of the racial laws, in front of the plaque that is located in the atrium of the Rector’s office (9.30 am, Piazza San Marco 4). To follow, in the Aula Magna at 10 a.m., a group of students in the theatrical Laboratory of the Istituto d’istruzione superiore Ferraris-Brunelleschi ” of Empoli will produce a theatrical performance entitled “A perceptible difference. The First Levi. The chemist, the witness, the writer”. To follow, some of the elements of the Orchestra and Choir of the University will give life to the musical performance “The sound of memory”. Inspired by a Eugenio Montale – from the poem “Dora Markus,” which alludes to the racial persecution – the meeting of Tuesday, January 28, edited by Ida Zatelli, “Distills the poison, a faith that is fierce. The shoah and literature” (15.30 Humanities Library, Sala Comparetti, Piazza Brunelleschi, 3-4). Is output, to the care of the Florence University Press, the book “The emigration of the intellectual from fascist Italy. Students and jewish scholars of the University of Florence in escape abroad”, curated by Patrizia Guarnieri ( Parma Is a meeting with the students, to reflect on the significance of the events and their reflections on today, the formula chosen this year from University of Parma to celebrate the Day of the memory 2020. The event is scheduled for Monday, January 27, from 10 to 13 in the Aula Magna Scivoletto Plexus Dear. The Eagle, The University of l’aquila , Monday 27 January 2020, at 11 a.m. (Aula Magna Alessandro Clementi, Department of human Sciences), offers a dialogue of three voices: a Maximum of Twirls and Luca Zenobi, professors of comparative Literature and German Literature, discuss the literature and judaism with Carlo De Matteis, professor of contemporary Italian Literature, starting from his last volume, “From the jewish. Narratives from the Great War, after the Shoah”. The dialogue will follow the concert, beginning at 11,40, the Ashira Ensemble. Palermo Today, the University of Palermo presented many of the initiatives in theme for Sunday 26 and Monday 27: exhibitions, meetings and theatre performances focused on the stories of the jewish students of the University and on the consequences of the racial laws had on their studies and their lives. “The jewish students and the University of Palermo in the time of fascism” will be inaugurated on Sunday, January 26, at 11 a.m. in the Hall of the Checks of the Steri (piazza Marina, 61). Curated by the delegate of the Rector of the historical Archives of the University, Mario Varvaro, the exhibition is a real journey through which the voices of the guys forgot they tell. It’s called Ruah. The breath of God”, and then, the show that will open on the afternoon of Sunday, 26, to 16, to Steri: director of Sabino Civilleri, with the students of the School of Crafts of the Teatro Biondo and the students of the course Dams. The second day of events dedicated to the memory of the Monday 27 January, will start at 9 in the Department of humanities (Aula Magna, Building 12, Viale delle Scienze), with the refresher course on the Teaching of the Shoah. The morning will end at the Salinas Museum where, at 12, will be presented in the exhibitions of the different reality of the museum system in palermo: together with the Salinas, Palazzo Abatellis, the Museo Rice and Palazzo Mirto. Monday, 27 January, at 16, the Hall of Barons of the Steri will host the meeting “to students, and the University of Palermo and racism of the fascist”. The students of the theatre lab of Liceo Galileo Galilei to intervene with “Into the storm”, taken from the text “Józef Lewsztein” Alexander Hoffmann, with the dramaturgy and direction of Adriana Castellucci. Followed by a seminar, coordinated by Matthew’s Daughter, with Alexander Hoffmann: will talk about the jewish students of the University of Palermo. Mario Varvaro with the intervention “From citizens to enemy” will address the theme of law as an instrument of discrimination between Cicero and the racial laws of 1938. The students of Liceo Galilei will stage “The signs of the offense. The teachers the jews of the University of Palermo and the racial laws of 1938” (written and directed by Adriana Castellucci). At 18.30, in the atrium of the Steri, you will discover a plaque dedicated to the students of the University of Palermo are struck by the racial laws. “College students jewish access to Universities has been brutally denied,” said the rector, Fabrizio Micari, “even to those who had already enrolled and was completing the path. And without offering the slightest alternative. For this reason, we thought it proper, I would say necessary, to put ourselves in their shoes”. The initiatives related to the Day of remembrance of the University of Palermo will close on the 31st of January, at 9 in the Department of humanities (Aula Magna), with the intervention of Gadi Luzzatto Voghera, director of the Foundation Center of contemporary jewish documentation on the topic of “The Holocaust, in teaching the era of the witness”. Followed by a round table on Methods of investigation and the interdisciplinary. Messina Monday, January 27, l’ University of Messina , along at the Prefecture, at the Teatro Vittorio Emanuele will take place with professor Salvatore Bottari a reflection on the Shoah and on the jewish presence in the City of the Strait between the middle Ages and the modern Age (10,30). During the initiative, will be given a Medal of honor to a family member of a deportee to the nazi concentration camps resident in the territory. Still on Monday, at 18, at the library Feltrinelli point will be presented the “Narrative” of Edmond Jabès. The poet of French language, born in Cairo to a family of sephardic jews, and exiled in Paris (where he died in 1991), said, “tells the story of Auschwitz, every word tells”. Tuesday 28 the Aula Magna of the Rectorate of the University of Messina (from 9.30 am) will host the conference “Memory, in contra-semitism. The voice of Edith Bruck“. The event introduced and coordinated by professor Paola Riccisi remember Edith Bruck, a poet, writer, and director of Hungarian origin, born in 1932 (the last of six children inside a poor jewish family). In 1944 her first trip led her, little more than a child, in the ghetto of a city of northern Hungary and from there to Auschwitz, Dachau, Bergen-Belsen. Survived the deportation, after the years of pilgrimage is said to have landed definitely in Italy, adopted the language and culture. Macerata writer Bruck l’ University of warwick on the 24th of October has conferred the honorary Degree in modern Philology.
on Thursday, August 23, at 20.30, there will be the Concert for the Day of remembrance at Auditorium Parco della Musica (Sala Sinopoli). Promotes the Presidency of the Council of ministers in collaboration with the Accademia nazionale di Santa Cecilia .

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