Do not need a code or a card to pay at the cashier just to read the palm of the hand. It is the system which, according to the rumors, the Wall Street Journal, Amazon is reportedly developing catapultandoci even more speed in the future. But not without raising new doubts about where they may end up (and what’s the purpose of our biometric data.

The colossus of ecommerce, which already has opened points of sale without cashiers where customers can pay the bill using an app while shopping, it aims to introduce in its stores, a technology that will allow you to show your hand and avoid pulling out their wallets to fish banknotes or credit cards, or using your smartphone. The reveal at the Wsj, sources close to the company of Seattle, according to which the program of Amazon, which has refused to comment on the news, is to provide a similar form of payment terminals, cafés, fast-food and other shops.