The classrooms of the first year of the Mathematics Department and the Physics Department are full of them. To read the first data on the registrations for the academic year 2019-2020, University of Bari Aldo Morodi Bari, we must imagine full of students, even the glass building that houses the department of Computer science.

Pass through without much delay from the reactions to good news to chemical reactions. By aggregating the values in the table that appeared on the website of Uniba, the School of science has a quarter of registered in more. None of them imagine that as a given. Each one has closed the registration as if imbucasse the own project of life. The real news this year is more than 37 per cent of the courses of study in mathematics that binds with more than 20 percent of the courses of study of the physical type. In addition, more than 100 students are in addition to many of the computer science department who gambled on new content by establishing the courses information Security and Data science. Something has allowed you to make it less fearsome for the first two years of these courses. Thanks to the dissemination of science, this is now more interesting and also more creative.

It goes from big events like the Night of the researchers at the preparatory and the stage they introduce into the classrooms the boys during the high school years. Then there is the commitment of teachers to the whole school for the school in conferences and workshops. Let us ask ourselves why mathematics has convinced them. Some may say, especially the effect Alessio Figalli, Fields Medal in 2018 that often holds educational conferences and interviews. A similar charm has, in this period the physical, which in recent years has achieved wonderful results on the elementary particles, the gravitational waves, on black holes.

For it is in progress a true revolution that goes from Machine learning to artificial Intelligence. Probably those who have chosen the STEM (the acronym to indicate the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) had again the desire to dream big. On the other hand, with the realism factor, however, influences the choice of university remains one of the working outlets.

The data of AlmaLaurea on the scientific disciplines are exciting. For example, 86 percent of graduates in mathematics and physics (ms) is working immediately. Similar result for postgraduates in chemistry. On the website “The trades of the math-law of ex-students, now teachers, researchers, but also engaged in finance, publishing, management, programming, and modeling applied to a variety of contexts. The rankings of the school have been exhausted, but they are born of the new professional figures, the guys in the know, pointing to it. The girls a little less, unfortunately.

All have studied mathematics and know the difficulties which must be overcome in order to govern this matter. The increase of members of the brave is a sign of passion mixed with pragmatism but also of great imagination. Because mathematics is the language that tells both the real and the abstract. Do not explain a piece of machinery, but the mechanism and logic behind the control of each machine.

In the department at the center of Campus does not learn how to forge an object, but to manipulate all the forms. You take care of the questions before the answers. For this is the thought developed by the basic science can be approached in many different fields. Knowledge is a pyramid: laying on a discipline more wide, you can climb up by developing skills to more specific. The versa gives instability. At the other side of the coin is that these disciplines require great concentration and commitment. To get that wide base, you have to use the tools that the university offers.

Not only will you want to find the student in the second year, but also, you want to meet in the time of receipt, to the exemptions, even if only in the library or in the hallway to talk about a problem, more or less, of mathematics and of its solution. Sometimes, instead, the frequency decreases. Are perhaps unnecessary classes and seminars when a mobile phone in our pockets has more than what a professor can tell?

do you discover a beautiful song on the web without a friend to recommend it. In the same way, the knowledge is likely to hide his most precious treasures, and scare for its size if someone does not draw a road. Paraphrasing king Ptolemy, when he asked if there is an easier route exams, you remember the answer of Euclid: “there is No royal route to geometry”. © Reproduction reserved