You must know that CompTIA exams are always updated to address the needs of Advanced IT World. Therefore, they are sometimes deemed as hard and tough to pass. However, having a credible SY0-501 Practice Test Questions set is a surefire way to succeed. Provided you are up for the challenges of the IT industry to climb up to success.

This article explores all that is to CompTIA Security+ certification. Also, mention a few methods to pass the SY0-501 exam and get certified.

CompTIA Security+ SY0-501: Structure, Requirements, Cost

CompTIA released SY0-501 on October 4, 2017. An improved version of earlier Security Exam SY0-401 that retired on July 31, 2018. This exam is mostly the same with an added focus on application, data, and host. We will discuss this change later in the article.

The exam is a 90-minute assessment of the candidate’s security skills. It includes max 90 questions equally multiple choice and performance-based. A candidate needs to score at least 750 (on a scale of 100-900) to pass the Security+ Exam. SY0-501 Exam is recommended for candidates with a minimum of 2 years as an IT Administrator working around security. Also, he must have CompTIA Network+ credential cleared before sitting for the exam.

This exam costs $339 USD and is available in English, Japanese, Portuguese and Simplified Chinese. It usually retires after three years and the candidates are expected to recertify.

Now there is a very good reason to get SY0-501 Exam Questions Answers from Exams4sure. These Test Questions will prepare you not only for your exam but also help fulfill its other requirements. Like passing Network+ Exam and getting recertify after three years. Plus, SY0-501 Practice Questions are not that expensive either.

CompTIA Security+ SY0-501: Overview        

So now the questions are what is this exam about. So here’s an overview: The CompTIA Security+ exam validates candidate’s skills and knowledge all that is in installing, configuring and securing systems, networks, devices and applications. Plus, successful candidates will be able to predict potential threats and mitigate them with the best practices learned in the SY0-501 exam.

Having CompTIA Security+ certification means that the candidates work with complete awareness policies, laws, and regulations. Therefore, they can ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability. While Exams4sure helps you in learning all these skills by providing you cost-effective training. If you are applying for the Security+ Exam, order SY0-501 Exam Practice Questions too. Trust me, this will help in the long run, both these credentials and the test guide to practice for it.

CompTIA Security+ SY0-501: Objectives

So these are the main objectives of the SY0-501 Exam that you will cover in this exam. Along with them is the percentage by which they appear in the exam:

  • Threats, Attacks, and Vulnerabilities (21%)
  • Technologies and Tools (22%)
  • Architecture and Design (15%)
  • Identity and Access Management (16%)
  • Risk Management (14%)
  • Cryptography and PKI (12%)


CompTIA Security+ SY0-501: What’s In This Version?

IT is a competitive market there are tons of changes every day. So stay above all for a vendor-neutral credentials provider CompTIA means regularly updating exams. In short, the SY0-501 Security+ Exam is updated to meet the market’s best and advanced practices for security. The changes made are:

  • There is more emphasis on practical and hands-on skills. Helping candidates to identify and mitigate security threats, attacks, and vulnerabilities.
  • Security+ covers all the skills required by cybersecurity experts to do their jobs. Adding security analytics the newer version specialized a candidate in cybersecurity jobs.

Learn all these skills right away because the demand for security+ is increasing rapidly. Don’t worry about the preparation it is all settle and done. Just get the SY0-501 Exam Questions for practice.

Career Prospects

The CompTIA Security+ certification offers you many advantages. It also helps improve your stability and credibility for the job. As well as increases your chances at higher career prospects like:

  • Systems Administrator
  • Security Administrator
  • Security Engineer
  • Penetration Tester
  • Security Consultant


Every organization needs a security administrator that can assure them their systems’ integrity, credibility, and safety. CompTIA Security+ focuses on all those skills that are most demanded in the market. It is the ideal credential to get for all beginners as well as professionals. Start getting ready for taking the Security+ Exam right away. With the help of SY0-501 exam questions dumps at Exams4Sure, you will be able to prepare and get the highest marks in the first attempt.