The Room is going to examine and vote on a series of changes to the highway Code to improve safety, but after the recent tragedies on roads, such as that of Lutago or Senigallia, between the parliamentary majority and opposition, there is a feeling of doubt about the effectiveness of further sanctions and punitive measures.

To seek a quick approval from the Classroom to the Parliament of the changes is Raffaella Paita (Iv), after they have been made redundant by the Transport Committee in July, in a climate that is bipartisan. Before the government crisis and then the Budget law, which blocks the process of law with costs, have stopped the text. Paita, whose proposals have been accepted in the ddl voted on in the Commission now asks for a quick approval. A stress shared by Sergio Battelli (M5s), president of the Commission, the Eu’s Policies.

Among the new safety standards, there is a tightening of fines for those driving with your smartphone (from 422 1697 euro, and a license suspension of up to three months in case of recurrence), which is high speed the main cause of accidents.

it Is then introduced the obligation to belts for school bus safety , starting from 2024, and the distance of the security side of 1.5 metres when overtaking a bicycle.

The text contains several measures designed to road safety in the city, for example, the establishment by Municipalities of the school Zones , that is to say, the streets around schools in which to limit the speed to 30 kilometres per hour, at least during the times of entry and exit; or the possibility of pedestrian crossings raised to the height of the sidewalk, resulting in the deceleration of the car; or even the possibility for the Municipalities to make use of the sound bands on the roads to slow down the speed.

And was, instead, rejected the proposal signed by the entire group from the League to raise from 130 to 150, the limit on motorways to three lanes.

But there is no doubt that the new rules, as well as useful, do not solve: “There is a feeling of frustration – says the vice-president of the Commission Deborah Bergamini (Fi) – on paper, there are already all the penalties and the circumstances of the case, yet it manages to decrease these episodes”. Bergamini asked to “invest in awareness-raising campaigns, because you can not impose by law to keep to one’s own life”. A similar request to the fa, Vincenza Labriola (Fi), which also calls for greater Police presence on the roads. “Any law will be ineffective – warns Boats – if each one of us, it does not recover a sense of responsibility and sense of limit when you drive. Let’s pay attention. We owe it to our life and that of others.”

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