the ROME – Have been “event overlapping”. The stop to disembark from the ship Gregoretti (July 2019) the 131 migrants followed the same “public interest of the whole of government” adopted for 137 of the vessel Diciotti (August 2018). Then if the authorisation to proceed for the crime of kidnapping has been denied for the Diciotti (20 march 2019) same must be done for the Gregoretti. Matteo Salvini is autoassolve so, in the nine pages – four to reconstruct the events, five to deny any responsibility, the fruit of the pen by criminal lawyer Giulia Bongiorno – filed yesterday with the board for the immunity of the Senate.

But, politically, the effect is that of a frost. With a result: the 17-to check out the Madama palace, on whose favorable vote was account of the former minister of the Interior, would be willing to speak out against him, as they did for the Diciotti. Not only in committee on 20 January, where he would end up with a 13 (a Pd, 3 Iv, 6 M5S, Fat for Leu, De Falco, the Italian Durnwalder) to 10 (5 League, 4 the Forza Italia, a Pdl), but also in the classroom a month later, where, as has already written the Republic on December 30, Salvini would struggle to 140 votes.
Again yesterday, to check out left no room for doubt: “The memory of Salvini does not introduce any new element. The case of the Gregoretti, after the security decree bis, is more severe than that of the Diciotti, the seizure is triggered because the migrants were already on a military ship, then in Italian territory”.

But to the facts Salvini, opposed the line of a collegial government, starting from the premier Giuseppe Conte, citing three pages of the contract between the League and the M5S. Hopes that end up as to the Diciotti, when the Count and Di Maio said that they were jointly responsible for the landing is denied. The same statement recurs three times: “The public interest is obvious in many profiles, which clearly mark the line on which it is articulated, the activities of the entire government in the management of the event in a way comparable to what happened with the Diciotti”. With an attempt to reach the Count, who in the Senate remarked, “the existence of an overriding public interest put at risk by the uncontrolled access of migrants”.
To retry Salvini, in a dozen pages of attachments, reports the mail of Foreign, Defence and Transport, to urge, in the eu, a redistribution of migrants. In addition to the two declarations of the vice-premier Of Maio, and of the minister of justice Bonafede inviting Europe to take charge of the problem”.

But, as says the former cricket Gregorio De Falco, “there was collegiality of the government on the redistribution of migrants, which, however, is the after the time of the landing, and of the latter there is no trace”. So much so, that Piero Grasso of Leu speaks of “the defense suicide” and highlights how “the government was not involved in the assignment of the place of safety and in the handling of migrants, but only in search of countries available for the relocation”. A stage that “has nothing to do with the alleged offence to Salvini”.

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