the ROME – 2019 has been a horrific year for children who are found to live between bombings, land mines buried, mortars, improvised explosive devices, missile strikes, cluster bombs and artillery attacks. Than when it was adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child (crc), in 1989, today the number of Countries in armed conflict is highest. The world is inflamed by dozens of outbreaks of war and wars themselves, while increases in the number of children forced to flee from their homes, or killed and wounded.

Forty-five violations per day . Henrietta Fore, the director-general of UNICEF: “For every act of violence against children, which ends up on the front pages of the newspapers and generates anger, there are many more that are not reported”. From the beginning of the decade, the United Nations have verified more than 170 thousand violations against children in conflict zones, more than 45 violations every day for the past 10 years.

The winter of 2019. During the first half of the year, The UN has verified more than 10 thousand violations against children, even if the real numbers could be much higher.
January : in Syria, violence, displacement and the winter weather extremely harsh kill at least 32 children.
– February : the start of the violent attacks against the centers of care for ebola in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, eastern (continued all year).
– spring 2019. March : more than 150 people, including 85 children, are killed during an attack by an armed group in the village of Ogossagou, in the Mopti region of central Mali; the other 24 killed in attack on restaurant-sobane-Kou.
– April : 14 children die and another 16 remain seriously injured in an explosion near two schools in Sana’a, in Yemen, where a school of 5 can no longer be used as a direct result of the conflict.
May . Unicef calls on the Governments to return to their countries of origin and abandoned children in the camps or in detention centres in the northeast of Syria. About 28mila children from over 60 different countries, including about 20, from Iraq, to remain blocked in the northeast of the Country. In the same month, in Myanmar, killings and injury of children with the increase of violence in the Rakhine state.
The summer of 2019. June , in Nigeria, three children are used to detonate explosives and kill thirty people (more than 48 injured), gathered in a community center to see the football matches in Konduga, in the State of Borno. In the Sudan, in the first two weeks of June, 19 children killed and 49 wounded.
– July : an explosion damages a school in Kabul, dozens of children injured. In South Sudan, 32 children are released by armed opposition groups, but Unicef estimates that thousands are still in use by forces and armed groups in the country.
– August . In a single weekend, air raids kill in Syria, 44 civilians, including 16 children and 12 women.
– The autumn of 2019. September . Yemen, Unicef raises the alarm: two million children are not in school, about half dropped out after the start of the conflict in 2015.
– October . Syria’s northeast, five children are killed and another 26 wounded: rises to 675 the number of minors killed in the first 9 months of the year (over 324 injured).
Winter 2019. November . Cameroon, 855mila children are out of schools for three years, in the regions north-west and south-west, 59mila are adolescents displaced.
– December . Five children are killed by an armed man inside a place of worship in Burkina Faso. In eastern Ukraine, where about 500 thousand children are affected by conflict, Unicef recorded 36 attacks on schools, including a school damaged 15 times. In Afghanistan, 9 children per day are killed or maimed in the first nine months of 2019.

The wish 2020. To all parties in the conflict, Unicef calls for respect for international humanitarian law: stop violence against children, just take aim at the civilian infrastructure, such as schools, hospitals, and d the aqueducts.

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