Continues the q response to the former minister for the South, the grillina Barbara Lezzi and the minister of agriculture of Italy Alive, Teresa Bellanova, on the alleged funds moved from the emergency Xylella local action groups (Lags). Today, the owner of the Mipaaf responds point for point to the attacks that have been directed by the exponent cinquestelle. That, however, insists: “In 2018 stanziai other funds because those of the plan Gentiloni were insufficient”.

The “case Bellanova” broke out yesterday during the final vote on the maneuver to the Parliament. Some members of the League, including the parent company, Riccardo Molinari, have asked that the minister of Agriculture and representative of Italy, Viva is present in the Classroom to clarify whether the allegations of the M5S are or are not true. Lezzi, in fact, accused the minister of Agriculture want to ‘distract’ from the farmers of 40 million euro in favour of the Lag and Dajs (‘local action Group’ and ‘agri-food District of quality Jonico Salentino), whose administrator is the secretary.

Today, therefore, comes the answer of Bellanova on Facebook: “On Xylella say lies, it is a national sport. Those of the last few hours I can tolerate. To those today who continue to make the controversy I say, study well before you speak”. 1. The floor Hundred. There is a plan in February 2019, signed by the Minister one Hundred, and the fruit of a long technical work ( In that plan among the various activities there are already funds, made so by the region, to the actions developed by the Lag, or are called the national investment in the contracts of the district, where we co-finance the proposals made by farmers and food companies who invest in the territory”, writes Bellanova. “2. Does not exist – points Bellanova – no plan Customers. In the law of fiscal 2018 and 2019 has been allocated 14 million euros to fund contracts of the district in the area of Xylella. The money does not go to the district, go to the companies that invest and receive a co-financing. The implementing decree is July 2019”. Bellanova then move on to the third point: “The plan of eur 300 million. The plan presented now resumed a good part of that work, and divided on the actions of the plan Hundred the resources that arrived with the decree of emergency agricultural converted into law in may 2019. The measures implemented by the Lags is expected to be managed by the Region of Puglia, which decide access procedures, amount of aid, recipients, criteria for disbursement of the contribution.” “4. No diversion of funds, but rather as a distraction of minds. Those who still talk of misappropriation of funds offends not so much me, but common sense. And will respond in the appropriate venues,” writes still Bellanova”.

“5. Listening to farmers and their organizations. I am absolutely concerned – ensures Bellanova – to continue listening with the agricultural organisations and farmers. The plan should help them to recover and to start again. And it is so true that I wanted it to in each article of the plan it was specified that the destination of the resources can be revised according to the real demands of farmers. Do not ask for the funds for a measure? Is changed in favour of the other. We have not written a text on the stone, but a decree that must serve to revive the agricultural activities starting from the olive”.

“6. No speculation on the skin of the farmers. If there is someone who wants to attack me to get 5 minutes of fame, not the face on the shoulders of the farmers. If there is someone who wants to change the party and play the side with the League say it openly. Do not use the council”, says the minister.

Last point, science. “We need to coordinate and strengthen all efforts for the search. 300 million euros in the regeneration Plan are used to compensate farmers damaged and give a new life to the area. And this will be spent, with full transparency for every penny that will be used,” concludes the minister.

But Lezzi replica on Facebook, explaining that the note of the Mipaaf of yesterday evening “is a lot of confusion. The plan is expected by the Gentiloni had three problems: lack of resources, did not reach all the small farmers, not protected and did not provide for the recovery of the landscape. In October of 2018 stanzio, then, 30 million euros in continuity with that plan because I thought that, however, should be completed. The interest of the territory, however, was the preservation of 70% of the territory that is composed of small farmers”.
In the controversy you insert David Pharaoh , parent company to the Senate of Italy Alive, on Twitter poke and Foul to defend Bellanova: “Teresa, you see that there? And’ the one who says that the air conditioners do increase the Gdp. Do you really think that we can go behind his lies? Next, Teresa!”.

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