the ROME – On the prescription, in the middle of the night, during the marathon of the orders of the day on Sunday, splitting the majority of the Room. The check out of Italy alive, as announced in the classroom the member of Lucia Annibali, vote in favour of the agenda of the responsible Justice of the Forza Italia Enrico Costa against the prescription of the minister of justice, Alfonso Bonafede, leaving only the Pd, M5S, and Leu. Because, explains Annibali, “this is a contribution to clarity” with respect to a norm that the check out is do not share at all. Always for Italy alive, the former undersecretary of Justice Gennaro Best remember to check out “have asked since the beginning of the change of the prescription, the fruit of a sad idea of the party, while we reject a life sentence the case as the standard of Bonafede”. Only a matter of numbers, and for the glaring absences in the pews of the centre-right, Forza Italia, including the government, hold it, and ends up with 289 no, 204 yes, 2 abstentions. But the twenty deputies to check out vote for the Coast, which, just a few days ago the ex-minister Maria Elena Woods had called it “very good” for its initiatives on the prescription.

Compact, the centre-right, Forza Italia, Lega and Fratelli d’italia. For two hours, between the hours of one and three in the night, happen to burst by blocking the closing manoeuvre. Even if the League had voted for the prescription of Bonafede in the previous government now says no. The Pd, with Franco Vazio, defines the order of the day for the Coast “instrumental” and for this reason voted against it claiming that the League had approved the law, now “in voting against instrumentally”. Talk to the former minister of justice Andrea Orlando: “I do Not accept lessons from those who have voted for the legitimate defence and to the decrees yet. I take note of the resipiscenza on my reform of the statute of limitation on the part of those who had voted against it. Perhaps these people or are in bad faith, or in the wrong. We will present our ddl to give weights to the prescription of Bonafede, or to restore the status quo. However, the order of the day is instrumental, and was not admitted, it is only an attempt of propaganda”. Immediate the reaction of the forzista Simone Baldelli, who reads the many statements of the Pd, by Zingaretti to Verini to Bazoli, against the prescription of Bonafede. While the league Nicola Molteni remember that the prescription “was voted within the law Spazzacorrotti but then the justice we have brought down the government.”

The crack is heavy, and above all, it is a signal that is hostile to the justice against the minister of justice Bonafede, who is present in the classroom, in spite of you walk with the crutches, follow the discussion, complaining most times, and then assists in the vote. On the prescription, the position of Matteo Renzi is very clear. As he told the Republic two days ago, “the norm Bonafede is a scandal, entered into force thanks to the votes of Salvini”. And again: “A process without end that is the end of justice. We will see what tactical tools used to solve the problem. But in Parliament Bonafede today is in the minority. If offers a mediation, that’s good. Otherwise, it votes in the classroom and see how it goes. Us between the party and the rule of law, we know which side you stand”.