the Parties are not in favour of president Sauli niinistö’s proposal to the president to shorten the term of, find out the news in Finnish (you move to another service) (payment wall) a survey of parliamentary factions the president.

Just now-the business is worth niinistö of the idea. The social democratic party, national coalition party, the centre and the Swedish people’s party are opposed to the idea because, inter alia, that the current six-year presidential term that the continuity of foreign policy for the treatment of.

time of our big problems is short-termism, and the presidential term of shortening that could be another small step in the wrong direction in this regard, said niinistö, the ex-party coalition team leader Kai Mykkänen .

the true finns and the christian democrats figure out things. Green is not a position, the left alliance did not respond to the questionnaire.

– I think the Proposal is at least worthy of debate. I still need to figure out the citizens ‘ opinion on the matter, the true finns Ville Tavio said.

Niinistö has several times raised position, according to which the president could afford to shorten. As an alternative could, in his opinion, be two times, five years or three times in four years.

the Coalition party Mykkänen suggested a survey in the context of the debate in parliament to extend the current four years to five years.

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