security police (Supo) has congressman Mika Niikko (ps.) according to the given guidelines, according to which syria’s al-Hol camp the finns should not return to their homeland.

– Supo has issued a clear threat assessment to the fact that mothers, including the child, should not be imported to finland, Niikko said MTV’s the point in the program (switch to another service).

Supo has assessed the camp of the return-related security threats already in the spring. Supo estimates that it is “likely that the syria of the al-Hol camp in return the people will increase in Finland against the terrorist threat”.

the Assessment applies to both camp are adult women, that of their children.

– we Estimate that the region might return to the woman is likely to continue terrorist activities, networking with each other and integrate again to domestic jihadist network. Area possibly returning children are likely to need extensive support over the years. If integration into Finnish society is not successful, it is possible that they also form over time, security threats, says supo’s communications specialist Minna Passport Yle.

a variety of the security threat assessment and warning of supo’s work.

politicians direct guidance on how the threats will act is another matter. Niikko said MTV’s interview makes clear, however, that the camp of people not of Working according to will restore.

Whether Supo issued instructions to politicians so that the people in the camp should not be imported to Finland?

We take the position Mika Niikko statements or the foreign ministry plans. The state department al-Hol camp in the Finnish the possible repatriation and related communications. We will focus on the activity, which is for us essential. Our role in this matter is to do threat assessments on issues related to terrorism, Passport answer.

we also Asked Mika Niikolla themselves.

Niikko according to Supo has not been the committee on foreign affairs hearing things. Niikko’s foreign affairs committee chairman.

– protection of the police have not had a foreign affairs committee hearing. But there is a clear threat assessment that the camp women and also children are a clear threat to Finland, Niikko answer.

Whether Supo also instructed politicians so that the person does not like to bring in?

– Supo has not instructed us directly on this matter. These positions have taken their threat assessment of what we have heard, the protection from the police.

Yle didn’t have time to ask Niikolla, whether he ylitulkinnut supo of threat assessment, because Niikko had to stop the call.

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Yle source: the al-Hol camp site for the relocation to Finland this week to be one of the options – is no longer likely

Thus, the dispute over the al-Hol of the children mixed the ministry of foreign affairs – all This we know stir in the stages now

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