The bride is found! Beautiful as an angel, and innocent, and gentle, and only sister of the doctor, who has been so kind to the mediation.

No wonder, melts the old Don Pasquale at this announcement the way with delight, you can see him: As he reaches to the heart to slow the canter, as he shines, until it hurts him in the corners of the mouth. Then, only the handle to the pocket comb helps. If he has his feelings under control, but at least the pair of hair to the bald head that gave him the costume designer Barbara Drosihn.

at the Latest, in this Moment, you know that Gaetano Donizetti’s “Don Pasquale” will be on this evening more than the usual fluctuations. A theatre festival namely, a subtle, deeply human and yet very funny Comedy.

This Don Pasquale is not content to give up the idiot.

the master of ceremonies is Christof Loy, so one of those Directors that understand get the most out of her performers, everything what’s inside of it. And in Johannes Martin Kränzle, who are here for the first time, the Don Pasquale, is a lot: He is a great singer, a actor and a pleasingly unusual cast for this role. Because he is not a Bass but a baritone. Not thick, but slim. And, above all, he is not content to give up the idiot.

he does That too, with devotion. Don Pasquale avarice, his control mania, his tantrums: it’s all there, exactly according to the Libretto. And if Kränzle fistelt malicious or self-love melodies schnulzt, if his voice is trembling with a loud smart dairy or almost rolls over in the Schnellsprechfuror, then this is as fun as it can be. But you can also see the loneliness of this man, sitting there so alone in his gray room, and Johannes Leiacker for him has built. And you can feel his hope that he can not wipe with this bride’s only nephew, but actually finds happiness. You would treat him, really.

at Least from a spectators point of view it works then actually with the luck. Julie Fox, the Norina is presented to the Old as a blushing bride-to-be out there, but in reality the mistress of the nephew (and, in this staging of the beloved of the doctor, and a whole host of extras). And indeed, she is the ideal candidate for this Don Pasquale: A lovely nightmare couple than these two, you can hardly imagine.

Norinas Top notes sitting exactly as precise as the expression on her face and the slap in the face, you Don Pasquale.

A musical more also not. Just like Johannes Martin Kränzle, Julie Fox can do with her voice whatever she wants; the change from sexy to badass to be bitchy to verhuscht it creates in micro-seconds. The Top notes sit in exactly as precise as the facial expression and the slap in the face, you Don Pasquale. Even a certain sympathy for their victims it can credibly convey: That’s saying something.

the rest of The staff must have in addition to these two, inevitably, the verb does, but at a high level. Konstantin Shushakov proven themselves as doctor Malatesta with a sonorous baritone and a quick-singing technique, thanks to which he keeps up effortlessly with Kränzle. And the young Chinese Tenor Mingjie Lei debut as the nephew of Ernesto, a highly acclaimed House with a lyrical, warm, expressive voice that you want to protect him from Norina. And him at the same time all the best wishes for a career as a singer, which will bring him no doubt still far.

the orchestra has to be Mentioned that this German-French-Russian-Chinese protagonists of the Quartet (completed by the Americans, Dean Murphy in the small role of Carl Otto) sings impeccable Italian offers more than slapstick

. And the Philharmonia Zurich is doing under the leadership of the Italian Enrique Mazzola, style, everything, in order to support the singers, not only in the slapstick and misery, but also everything in between.

specifically, the orchestra of the punchlines sharpens: The account ends solos and a highly nuanced sound design to ensure that the Comedy is also in the orchestra pit, more than one variable. That is because, in addition to the many a few genuine feelings played in the game, is in any case unmistakable. So, the winner in this intrigue act in the same way as in traditional performances of this work – at the end of a bit of a loser. And who knows, maybe the story of Don Pasquale and Norina is not told Yes but not quite finished.

Clearly this is all the same: That the audience amused with his enthusiasm about this performance exceptionally and loudly expressed.

Created: 09.12.2019, 15:35 PM