A famous poem by Peach Weber goes like this: The seven dwarfs. A love wanted. The other Sex. Break. Laugh. Hold on, it goes on. A love wanted, the other six remained cool.
A typical Peach Weber. The Aargauer comedians have done it to the dwarves, he now has written a whole book about dwarves. It’s not about Sex, it is not raunchy or vulgar. It’s a children’s book and even quite heartedly.
No Trudi Gerster with 20 votes
Twenty children to sit in front of the Aargau in the Franz Carl Weber on Bahnhofstrasse in Zurich on small chairs, and listening spellbound to the old man with the wild hairstyle read them. He is not a Trudi Gerster with 20 votes in, this clears up soon, he is a Peach Weber. However, the Small to hear the story she has. It is the dwarf Stolperli who wants to be bigger, so the forest attracts and its own revival experience (sorry for the Spoiler). The Problem, Catharsis, Peace Of Mind. Dwarf Stolperli landed on the bestseller list of today’s children’s literature.
In the old days of Weber – once a primary school teacher was a Peach, since 43 years, Comedian – a successful children’s book writer. Now the 67-Year-old on tour, 50 readings in the year 2019 with the Stolperli is (“Are we not all a bit Stolperli? The main thing is that you stand up again”). It seems to work, the children come (“they are the most brutal audience”), and they don’t run. The parents tell at the Store, how much their children read, and how important it was to Read. “Very important,” says a present mother, a health educator, you know: “It helps in cognitive development and is good for bonding.” Her two boys, she has purchased two books, including signature Peach Weber.
literacy brings reading pleasure
In the Franz Carl Weber are pretty much all in agreement. Reading is important, reading is a pleasure, to read forms. However, the Pisa study has shown this week that half of all children with 15 no Fun any more. It’s a pure time for you to waste. And the study shows that joy of reading with the reading skills together, strong even. Every Fourth does not understand the Read and can’t understand the information. And even worse: We are worse than the Germans and the French. (Here, we reported in detail about the Pisa results.)
“We only have ourselves to blame,” says Peach Weber.
Who is talking about it with teachers, reading promoters, but also with children’s book author, and ends up always in a topic: when reading Aloud, with the children’s books. Here it begins, here the door is pushed open to the adventure on the pages of the book, and here is facing problems already. “We only have ourselves to blame,” says Peach Weber, he contorts his face, and you don’t know who’s talking. The Comedian? The Primary School Teacher? Or the children’s book author? “We have provided the children with TV and iPad quiet, so that we can have it even more convenient.”
Often the
Christine Lötscher, missing in the literature is an expert, she conducts research on children’s literature and has a strained relationship with Celebrities such as Gunvor, Stefan Gubser, or Peach Weber, the children’s writing books. The depth is lacking often in their stories, the narrative tone childish. It tells of the Power of a story, from a valuable reading experience, and eventually she comes to the conclusion: “You can’t tell the children that reading is super great. But even spending the evenings rather in front of the TV or Tablet.” Similarly, concluded the experts after the results of the Pisa-study: Netflix and cell phone way to entice the children from the books.
Lötscher has a theory of his own, which is why the reading of the problem was the case. It began in the year 2000, and with the first Pisa-Test. Already at that time, the youth has been diagnosed dyslexic, the Outcry was enormous. The reaction also. The books market reacted, the schools as well. Suddenly, a book had to be easy to understand, all of a sudden the story of a hunter who buys a hobo for twelve bottles of brandy the dog and him Krambambuli called was because the Fuselmarke Krambambuli is not the right book.
“The Text takes you on a journey of adventure.”Christine Lötscher, literature expert
Instead, books like “Cool, came the awkward photo we are online!” in the shelves and schools. A novel for young people, such as the classic Krambambuli, only educational and simple. “Floored,” says Christine Lötscher, “something felt by the children and soon lose interest.” This is why many no longer knew what reading was.
Lötscher criticism that has been trivialised. “It had to be easy, effortless and casual,” she says, “but this is not read carefully.” Reading is associated with work, you have to concentrate, and a history room. You will be rewarded: “The Text takes you on a journey of adventure.”
read, thanks to competition
In this way, the simplification publishers also created personalized books. Parents can determine in an online mask Name, age, Hobby, a couple of days later, a book about the seven-year-old Liam, who likes to play football,will be sent to the seven-year-old Liam, who likes to play football, home. Lötscher has to laugh about this Innovation to life, loud, but sour. “Such books are an insult to the culture of children’s literature,” she says, “you forgive so very much.”
In schools is applied in addition, the program Antolin. Students read a book. On the Internet you can answer questions, and collect points. Parents and teachers tell the story of how some students, a competition had broken out. “The question is, why read the children?” Lötscher, “Because of the story or because of the points asks?” The latter she finds questionable.
reading Knicks to overcome
According to research, there are two moments in which children are reading tired of the so-called reading Knicks. The a is expectable: the age of puberty. The other comes rather as a surprise. “It’s already happening in the primary school age,” says Mary Becker from the Swiss Institute for child and youth media (SIKJM). “If there is too little read and talked a little about books is, it can be organic to read for kids something for school and Formal.” In short: you jump.
“I looked as a child, quite a lot of TV, and I don’t think this has hurt my creativity.”Katja Alves, children’s book author
that’s Why there is a need for more attractive books, more time and space for reading in the schools, says Becker. The scientist is well-versed with all sorts of studies about reading. Read the reading promotes competence, show a study. A: anyone Who reads on Tablets, makes the superficial, as if he is reading a book. And thirdly, it promotes reading, empathy, and imagination. Or Vice versa: the one Who reads, is the poorer for it.
Becker and Lötscher are concerned. Relaxed is Katja Alves, currently the probably most distinguished children’s book author and Switzerland. “You know, my grandmother had the First color TV in the neighborhood, I watched as a child, quite a lot of TV, and I don’t think this has hurt my creativity.” She adds that she was raised in a very books-friendly environment. At home, a large library, at some point you’ve begun to read out of curiosity even.
think of is to Create a reader-friendly environment has the literature experts and also in the case of immigrant families, says Becker. Therefore, the SIKJM has in the pipeline a project. Parents with children of preschool age are languages in the Origin history hours invited – with success. Now, the cantons want to be in the early promotion of active.
author Katja Alves children’s books as a door-opener into the world of literature. Peach Weber somehow – although he does not read even like. He question always is whether it is worthwhile to follow 300 pages long-the thoughts of another. You should think about yourself. His children’s books he sees as the seeds from which later, hopefully, once a joy to read man.
Created: 07.12.2019, 10:09 PM