Switzerland had to develop the concordance – this CVP-President Gerhard Pfister in an Interview with the “Newspapers of the CH-Media says,” from the Saturday. He wants to change the electoral system for the Federal councillors.
Specifically, Pfister draws on an old idea and a term suggests restriction of eight years for the Federal councillors. “If eight years for an American President enough for that, why not for a Federal Council?”, he asked rhetorically in an Interview.
Pfister’m in the ideal case, to occupy with this measure, each Gesamterneuerungswal the beginning of the legislative period, each of three or four seats on the Federal Council to re-be. As a result, the Federal Assembly get more opportunities to adapt the government’s composition, he said. There is more flexibility so that the parties discussed new and faster than today, the voters will could meet, he said.
more stable
Pfister wants to take account of the fact that the party landscape in Switzerland is becoming more and more fragmented. “We will have more parties of comparable Size,” said Pfister. A further development of the magic formula is, therefore, necessary, if in the future the relevant political forces should be represented in the Federal Council.
His proposal have on top of that, a further advantage: “at the same time, the stability of the system is not Abwahlen undermined. The Abwahlen 2003 and 2007, complicates political cooperation,” he said. (scl/sda)
Created: 07.12.2019, 06:56 PM