cinematic scenes occur on the last Friday on a highway in northeastern Switzerland. A box car of the border guard intercepts a car from Germany with three passengers and it is guided to a resting place. Soon a second box meets the car. This brings the guests back to the border post at Schaffhausen, where the travelers in single cells, it can be mounted to a full body search naked have to move out. It portrays one of the Affected in a on the Internet published Video.
Frank Kraemer is the man. When he is set on Friday, he is on his way to one of the largest neo-Nazi Meeting held in the last years in Switzerland. In an idyllic mountain hut above from Galgenen, SZ gather at the weekend against a hundred Right-wing to be a lively occasion. There are lectures, meals – rights of socializing.
The Meeting is similar to that of the extreme right Festival, the 2016 took place in under the water for a SG instead, and then for a week the headlines are dominated, because the St. Gallen police had tolerated the hate-Event with a shrug. In the Toggenburg rock played right bands, a large part of the visitors came from Germany. In Galgenen, in contrast, there are only songs with piano accompaniment, and most of the participants are Swiss. But also here the authorities know. And they look easy.
“How about castrating?”
for Three hours, spends Frank Kraemer on that Friday at the Schaffhausen border post. That the tax collector be interested in him, not by chance: Kraemer storms of steel is in the neo-Nazi scene is well known as the guitarist of the group. Your texts are notorious. Because it says for example: “There are these people who fly to distant lands, to sweating in the hot midday sun, laying around. The types are as black as Negroes (…), don’t know it: a Healthy tan comes from within.” And to sing Gay the Band: “For me, you’re a perverted pig, ( … ), perverted and abnormal – how about because with castrate? If you don’t get that we hate something. No one is stopping you to leave Germany.”
While in Germany, the protection of the Constitution dangerous Hetzer takes exactly under the magnifying glass, has to fear Kraemer in Schaffhausen anything. The inspectors confiscate the books and neo-Nazi pamphlets of the guitarists, but then let him continue on his journey. On Saturday Kraemer reached, finally, the neo-Nazi Celebration in the Schwyzer Lodge. He’s holding a lecture, as he reported later on Instagram. Together with a second German neo-Nazi, Nikolai Nerling, who calls himself “the people’s teacher” and in his online videos of the Holocaust into perspective.
a Swiss speaker: Flyer for the “people’s Forum”. Photo: PD
Different sources, and you can imagine what the two spoke: “The National action front” (NAF), a Swiss neo-Nazi group, published after the event, a photo of Kraemer and Nerling in front of a “National action front”Banner. According to the NAF carried the Meeting the title of “völkisches Forum”. In an invitation Kraemer’s lecture with the title “Authentic life has been touted as a Nationalist”. In addition, an anonymous German time was announced, a witness that we know – as now – the “people’s teacher”.
Why import the Swiss neo-Nazi speakers and their ideology from Germany? In the small Swiss scene, there is no comparable charismatic heads and speakers. According to the Flyer, only a Swiss officer appeared on the “people’s Forum” in Galgenen: is Adrian segessen man of the extreme right-wing Avalon-community. He spoke on the topic of “National socialism in the 21st century. Century”.
Nobody feels responsible
Why the Swiss authorities took no action, to the Celebration to prevent the extreme Right-wing and the dissemination of a racist ideology in Galgenen to? Why was Kraemer sent to the border back to Germany?
The Federal customs administration shall communicate, she was not able to prevent the continuation of the journey, because against Kraemer is not a valid ban on entry imposed had been. Responsible for entry bans, the Federal office of police (Fedpol) would be. This writes that the principle of proportionality must always be respected. “The interests of remote attitude to be?about weighed the interests of freedom of expression in each case carefully.”
The Federal intelligence service (NDB) already knew weeks prior to the event by the neo-Nazi Meeting of the National action front, and of Kraemer’s lecture. To specifically travelled to German neo-Nazis addressed, replied the NDB in writing: as Long as no concrete violence reference was fixable, wouldn’t people make themselves politically radical fall into the area of responsibility of the NDB. The NDB itself can also make any event bans. To be analyzed, but continuously the security situation and am in close contact with the competent cantons. Defensively, the Schwyz Canton police act, finally, to the neo-Nazi Party in Galgenen: you have, in close cooperation with national authorities?authorities, action can be taken.
neo-Nazis: “people’s teachers” Nikolai Nerling and musician Frank Kraemer (r.). Photo: PD
These measures consisted apparently in the fact that we had to provide the almost a hundred neo-Nazis, their car numbers listed and from a distance watched.
According to the car license plate number, the names of most of the participants could identify. A strong delegation came to the example of the prohibited in Germany, in Switzerland, but legal Blood&Honour network, and Combat 18 C18, wherein the number 18 stands for “Adolf Hitler”. Was also represented, especially in the Zurich Oberland active “barn house Switzerland” (SS). The presentations, some members of the “Division of Switzerland”, which is supposed to be in League with the one in the Ukraine against Russian rebels fighting right-wing extremists of the Azov-battalion listened to also. In addition, some representatives of the party of National Orientated Swiss (Pnos) were present, among them the Basler neo-Nazi Tobias Steiger. For some time climbers criminal proceedings because of anti-Semitic racial discrimination on the neck, but these are not dealt with by the Basel Prosecutor’s office because of “Overload”, as she writes, a priority has.
is one of the organizers of the neo-Nazi Party in Galgenen in the Canton Aargau living, Marc S., was also present at the clashes between left-wing extremists and neo-Nazis in Schwyz in April 2019. Was also part of the 55-year-old Otto Rölli from the Canton of Zug. He belongs to the racist “homeland movement” that promotes, among other things, for the separation of the Romanic Switzerland in the German-speaking part of the country. Rölli is fond of writing letters to the editor and was also in the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” against the dangers of multiculturalism warn. He was sentenced in 1990, because of several attacks on asylum accommodation to a conditional prison sentence of eight months.
“people’s teacher” Nikolai Nerling visited in Switzerland, the Altdorfer Tell monument. The Swiss national hero inspired him to be a Selfie-Video. To the sounds of Rossini’s Opera “William Tell” Nerling: “has Bow Tell in 1307. In 2017, I have not been silent.” 2017 began Nerling with his extreme right-wing activities in the social media, which led to his immediate removal from the public service as a primary school teacher in Berlin.
Created: 06.12.2019, 21:48 PM