Decibels rose high, when a couple of ten mother and baby to meet in the same room to catch up. Running is every week for the baby-morning play park in Line with the Helsinki.

Many of this baby a group of mothers is not heard, that the maternity allowance reform early next year. It is not in itself a miracle, because they receive maternity allowance under the old system, which considers income in a fairly distant past.

the Future of maternity allowance is determined by the lähemmältä period of time, i.e. maternity leave during the preceding 12 months. In practice, the maternity allowance is based on even more during pregnancy make income.

One of the baby-morning mammoista is a helsinki Elina laiho hill , who is on maternity leave the financial sector permanent jobs. He likes the reform is to be welcomed, although it is not her day money to its effect.

She went on maternity leave in December 2018, but her maternity money is determined by the year 2016 on the basis of income.

– from My point of view this is a very good change. This reform could have come earlier, said laiho hill.

Reform serves a very large section of the population, which is in a permanent employment relationship. At the same time, however, it forgets a significant portion of young women who are in temporary or part-time employment.

Annica Moore, Mother in Business

the purpose of the Reform is to respond better to the mother’s actual income, as well as clarify the many interpretations of the fathers experienced day money criteria.

however, it is Now risen to the concern that the reform would make the cutout piece workers maternity allowance.

Tampere Virgin Klemola lift it up, Helsingin sanomat published an opinion write case (switch to another service), where he blames society for the fact that it does not understand the precarious of the continued economic uncertainty.

This is about: Many young women may lag the amount of time without receiving, if the employer finds out about the pregnancy. In the future the maternity leave preceding periods of unemployment can, in turn, affect the maternity allowance the amount of the more.

the Concern of entrepreneurs and freelance

uraäiti network for Mothers in Business chairman of the board Annica Moore is on the same line. He sees the reform in a lot of good, but also danger spots.

Reform serves a very large section of the population, which is in a permanent employment relationship. At the same time, however, it forgets a significant portion of young women who are in temporary or part-time employment. They may be pregnant to stay unemployed pregnancy discrimination because, says Moore.

the principle of Equality according to the pregnancy discrimination is still unfortunately common in the labour market.

the Same has been noticed by Mothers in Business network: a member survey, over 20 percent of women report having experienced a pregnancy or parental leave-related discrimination.

Moore also raises entrepreneurs and freelancers an uncertain situation: the Maternity allowance is based on the soon more pregnant women to earn income. If the pregnancy is difficult and work can work at a normal pace, can maternity pay remain lower than expected.

Annica Moore I hope that the support system would take better account of the different working people, and encourage children, even if the woman is not in a permanent employment relationship.Terhi Liimu / YleTyöttömyyskaudet taken into account in the new calculation method in the

Reform that prepared the social welfare and the ministry of health considered that the other day money improvements are paving the precarious employment potential unemployment periods.

in the Future days money criterion can be namely taken into account also the entrepreneur’s yel-reported income and benefits, such as unemployment benefits or financial aid.

– This was discussed in the preparatory stage, but it was thought that the benefits on account of a compensation precarious employment potential unemployment time, say on a Eva Ojala social and health ministry.

also New is the fact that soon also random labour income is taken into account the maternity allowance was based. Ojala is that it encourages the expectant mother to take short, too employments, because they raise the maternity money.

the Social welfare and the ministry of health assess in advance the impact of the reform on different income classes: the Majority, i.e. 70% of the change is small. In the smaller income categories in the maternity allowance the amount of the increase, while higher income classes can be small bills.

– Follow the future, what happens to various income classes and the emergence of maternity allowance recipients nots group, said Ojala.

Read more:

a Big change Coil day money – allowance, too, is determined by the future 12-month earnings while in the middle of the year

“the Male doctor instructed saying, that a woman can not get as well as a career that the family” – pregnancy is the most common causes of discrimination at work

“you piece of unemployed, piece the entrepreneur and pätkäope” – many thanks to the composed silpusta, and the authorities mortis make life easier

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