“What comfort is more than a Christmas market in the light of day?”, the vegetarian asks the carnivores. And provides the answer himself. “A Christmas market in the light of day in the rain.” Such are the two in Vienna are eight village on the Sechseläutenplatz, consisting of about 100 wooden huts, which invite you to “browse, Shop, Dine and stay”. So it means on the Homepage.

The carnivore wants to be there. He’s a Traditionalist. And it is also him too much. From the Valais Raclette to srilanke of Kottu Roti, dozens of stalls have it in for the slam ends. Overwhelmed, the two confusable houses and distinctive odours wander. Cheese, deep fryer, Curry, burnt flesh. The vegetarian complains: in The end, you would stink of a Restaurant, even though they were in no. With these concerns he seems to be alone. Despite the drizzle, formed of snakes, which Stand longest in front of the Greek Gyros and the Tibetan Momo. Especially Teens seem to appreciate the international street food in Central European Christmas atmosphere.

The carnivore – all the traditions of forgetting to skip the Raclette and docks to the Peruvian castle stood. There, he ordered for 20 francs, 250 grams of meat in the Burger can be converted to a double. The vegetarian chooses promises to be the “Yemen Express”, whose posting meat-free. The vegan Malawach, a flat bread filled with tomatoes, eggplant and sesame seed paste (14 francs).

The search for Espresso

And now? Since all Seating positions are occupied, squeeze the two under the awning of a jewelry item. It’s raining harder. The Vegi bites on packaging paper, Sauce smears on the fingers. The Karnivore finds his double meat dose only moderate, which causes the veg to a short sermon. How cruel it was to kill animals to follow you around to blame, they tasted. With him Malawach’m also not completely happy. “Your Gelding?”, the Karnivore asks. And laughs, not even yourself.

a Peru looks Republican in Hamburg.

at the very least, shopping Espresso. Despite Rumgeschmökere you find filter coffee (CHF 4.50 for a large Cup). To do this, you share Christian and a vegan pastry (3.50). Hearty flavor this, without Butter, the Karnivore surprised. Also surprised he is that his feet are questionable to rapidly cool. How much more comfortable it would be in a Restaurant, but the veg. Only you could watch the gyrating Teens, replied the carnivore.

This seems to be neither ums Feasting about the Shop. It’s more about mutual Beschmökern. So get out of Vienna, eight village a kind of Winter fun fair. What, find the Karnivore, in the light of climate change, a hopeless approach.

Zurich Vienna> eight village

the price – to-performance ratio
The prices on the stands almost restaurant level and partially. Whether it’s because it’s worth to eat standing in the cold, is a matter of taste.

Despite the challenging weather conditions, and lively. People of Zurich seem to stay any Season of the year in the public space.

The food here is not the Eating, but Vice versa. The people behind the stands admirably cheerful, and motivated to act. In spite of suspected Eisfüsse.

– So one of the best public TRANSPORT
The sechseläuten square is located between the hubs of Bellevue and Stadelhofen.

The Website

In this weekly section, you can read our judgments of the courts in Zurich Restaurants.

Created: 05.12.2019, 15:42 PM