the port of Helsinki aims to reduce ships ‘ port visits during the damage caused by emissions. The port is launching shortly a number of new million category of investment, that extend to the ships offer shore-side electricity for distribution.

the port of Helsinki sustainable development manager Andreas Slotte said that as of next year more and more ships can turn off the electricity to produce apukoneen in the ports you visit for the duration.

– This applies not only cruisers but to all the ports for ships. We want to increase the emissions reduction of shore-side electricity supply for ships.

– Our estimate is that shore-side electricity can reduce the ship’s landing during the stay caused climate emissions by up to 50-80 percent, Slotte said.

the Entirety of the ship caused by traffic emissions in Helsinki, less than three per cent of all the city’s annual emissions.

the port of Helsinki sustainable development director Andreas Slotte according to the projects which are progressing through the good cooperation. Yle / Catariina Salon

the Next year a new shore power capability will be in Helsinki south harbour for Stockholm transport. In 2021 we now come to the Tallinn transport vessels and the first cruise ship pier, pea island in shore-side electricity capability in 2022.

– Shore use has a big impact on an individual ship emissions, Slotte said.

Shipping insurance from his enthusiasm for on-shore use

the shipping company Viking Line’s communications director Johanna Boijer-svahnström’s according to the company can be found on the willingness-to-shore current system for wider use. According to him, the Viking Line ship of the three already power countries in three different ports.

Viking Line’s communications director Johanna Boijer-svahnström, according to the shipping company found from the willingness of the shore power system to the existing wider use.Peter Karlberg / Yle

Boijer-Svahnström to keep the port of Helsinki investment plan welcome.

– This is not a new thing for us, but a very good thing.

the Part of the port of Helsinki in the ship is thus able to use shore-side electricity already, but all this was not a possibility. Some of the ships used to run further electric power produced by auxiliary engines in ports, while standing.

Shore-side electricity is an effective way to bridle emissions

the port of Helsinki’s chief sustainability officer Andreas Slotte, said that the new projects are progressing in good cooperation. Reforms will require investment in port, shipping companies from non-energy institutions, too.

– as well As shipping companies that the port has a clear parallel views on the issue, so there is no need to force.

Slotte, according to the port seeks to several new million-class investments to expand on-shore offerings. Shipping companies turn to seek the fact that the ship has the ability to use the offer to shore power the possibility of ports.

Tallink Silja Oy, communications manager Marika Nöjd said that shore-side electricity is an effective way of reducing such emissions from ships, which spend in the ports for longer periods of time.Linus Hoffman / Yle

Tallink Silja Oy, communications director Marika Nöjd said that shore-side electricity use is an effective means for such vessels spend in port for longer periods of time.

These projects are a good example of a collective effort, which now and then becomes concrete when the port of Helsinki in shore-side electricity for the use of these us ships, Nöjd said.

the Current cruise season brought to Helsinki over three hundred ships to visit, with growth of around six percent in recent years to treat certain medical problems. The ship brought to Helsinki a total of about 600 000 cruise passengers.

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