at the beginning of a 40-hour Visit to London, U.S. President Donald Trump assured on Tuesday that he wanted to keep from the British election “out”. At the same time, he said that his friend “Boris” – Prime Minister Boris Johnson – “be a very capable” politicians and also in the future, “good work will make”.

The leader of the opposition Jeremy Corbyn Trump said he knows “nothing about him”. Of course he would be the President, “with each Prime Minister,” work said. He reminded the British, but the fact that he was a Trump, “and a Brexit-Fan”. In the house elections next week, it was “a very important election for this country”.

Trump was flown on Monday evening in London, today Wednesday meeting along with other heads of state and government on a short summit to 70 years of Nato in a hotel complex in the North of the British capital to participate. On Tuesday, there have been preliminary discussions between conference participants and greetings in Downing Street. For the evening a large reception and festive entertainment by the Queen at Buckingham Palace.

protests in London

showered in on his journey from Stansted airport to his home, the residence of the US Ambassador in Regents Park, was the convoy of the U.S. President in the district of Camden, but with insults. He should “get out of here”, called out to him passers-by.

protests against the visit also organised the employees of the National health service (NHS), since Trump had signaled in the past, in the Wake of the British-American trade Treaty in the Post-Brexit-Era had to open up the possibilities of the NHS, the large U.S. pharmaceutical companies Profit. Head of the Labour party Corbyn had asked the President on Tuesday, in writing, to the Finger from the NHS.

During the election campaign, Labour activists had chanted at campaign events of the last few weeks, the NHS will not be selling “to”. Johnson and his Ministers had to defend themselves several times against the accusation that they were planning a privatisation of a public service.

Trump self-assured yesterday, even if it would serve the NHS “on a Sibertablett”, he wanted to be and the United States have “nothing to do with it”. In June, he had announced, “everything” come to the negotiating table.

Has served Johnson with Trump?

mainly because of the dicey NHS question, but also generally because of the unpopularity of Trumps in the UK, had Boris Johnson trying to associate himself with this visit too closely with the US President. As a “follower” Trumps the Briton had been attacked but already in connection with the London terror attack from the previous Friday. Opposition politicians had accused the British head of government to have the “Trump Textbook” served as Johnson tried at the weekend to put Labour to the stop to load.

Johnson had declared a Labour government decided to automaticity in the release of imprisoned terrorists have ultimately led to the fact that two former Cambridge students and of the offender himself close to London were like the Bridge to the victim.

The Conservative party had used the attack for campaign advertising, which stated that Johnson “umspringe tough with terrorists”, while Corbyn is much too “soft” in this question. The liberal Democrats complained that Johnson “made a tasteless attempt to exploit a national tragedy for political purposes”.

Angry with David Merritt, the father of one of the two victims said. His son Jack would have hated that, said Merritt, his life and his death “would be used to the hate program of madness still continued to fight, he has given everything”.

The role of Nato

Meanwhile, found three former Top British military officials, among them Ex-chief of staff, Lord Guthrie, on the occasion of the Trump visit to the Suitability of Corbyns to the Prime Minister in question. The left socialist Corbyn, who had earlier made against the Nato Front, a threat to national security and the Alliance, were in the military.

The US President himself attacked, shortly before the Nato-birthday celebration, the President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron, who had referred to the Nato, more recently, as “brain dead”. Macron had “expressed very, very gehässi” on the Bedündnis, found Trump.

It would not be surprised if France would adopt the whole of the Nato speculated that the U.S. President: “France needs Nato more than any other member state.” The “defaulting” members who have not fulfilled their financial obligations, called Trump “delinquent”, so the guilty parties. Especially Germany, he stood out again.

Created: 03.12.2019, 21:00 clock