Prime minister Antti Rinne (sd.) walked today to the media in front of a resignation submitted before.

the afternoon briefing at the anti days of action-packed of twists and turns was thin, but attention is focused on two things. The first is the Slope of the party, the social democratic party’s future.

As in advance it was known, the Slope will continue for the SDP in the lead, although it differs in a prime minister’s mission. Surprising instead, is how the Slope of stress to continue to get the ”the” also a new three-year term of the party in the lead.

the Second is that the Slope didn’t want to open my own part, more precisely, where the government in crisis in the end was all about. The prime minister had the opportunity to direct speech, but he was reluctant to use it.

Perhaps the biggest your mistake is that I trust only and only on what I have presented in the Post related, the Slope to repeat the briefing.

What was ultimately the reason why the centre has lost confidence on the Slopes?

New information may have been for many, necessary.

the government of the crisis around debate has received part of the policy sports fan who confused: what was ultimately the reason why the centre has lost confidence on the Slopes?

the Benchmark has been used since 2003. At that time, the prime minister of Anneli Jäätteenmäki (kesk.) resigned after he talked to the ”modified truth” of the parliamentary front of Iraq-a leak of information relating to the incident in. Government partner the social democratic party pulled its support out of the jäätteenmäki on.

This time it was the center of the floor. The slope of the case was at first the voice Mail and meddling in labour market negotiations, later there was talk of corporate governance more widely.

Today in the morning the Hillside was presented the “overall assessment”, the cornerstone of which was the government’s credibility and ability to function as well as confidence.

in the End the center of the message seemed to be, above all, how to trust either is or is not – and now it is not.

can you explain the table manners of the lack of change so popular, that the yet unprocessed part of the Post-saga is never going to be dealt with?

Other government parties are the last days of left almost in the sidelines, but the words “Mail” and “labour market” highlighted also their estimates.

Swedish people’s party chairman of the Anna-Maja Henriksson told me last night that his own parliamentary group, who spoke of the Slope with regard to these themes. The same message to Yle has been passed, inter alia, the green lines.

the Greens have stressed that trust in the Slope could have been maintained, if the prime minister would have told the whole truth, word for word and unabridged, the parliamentary front. It begs a bunch of new questions.

it Is popular to say that the Slope acted as a prime minister should act. That he never learned the minister of manners, but calling casually calls and gives surprising opinions too carelessly. That he was a micro manageeraaja, which was missing in other ministerial matters.

at the Same time it is very possible that this annoyed the government partners. But can you explain the table manners of the lack of change so popular, that the yet unprocessed part of the Post-saga is never going to be dealt with?

the Last time yesterday evening yle’s get the most relevant documents are set by the slope of a report still crazy light.

see also: Yle leaked memo: Sirpa Paatero told the Post tes-the transfer of the prime minister in August – a memorandum understands the Postal solution

Is in the centre of thought, that the government now needs a new skipper, the so the last few weeks the media at the constantly been päähallitus the party boss does not further weaken the center of the support?

Part of the government parties to close sources have told the media in recent days, how center hard, The slope of the out put line was the former prime minister of Juha Sipilä and for example, the lappish people, a representative of the Markus Salmon handwriting.

at the Same time, the center within the group is insured, that the distrust of the slope of the point is not anyone’s junta but a common and uniform line. Sipilä has himself stated for a Democrat, that claims his share not true (you move to another service).

but the center of the group isn’t smooth and uniform.

the Spring after the parliamentary elections in the group of not exactly cheered Antti Rinne, the government went for. While the government programme has been given in recent days to support the power like, does not trust the prime minister have been at any stage of unfailing.

Katri Kulmuni elected in September, the party chairman, but the support has not been picked up. Is in the center of thinking, that the government now needs a new skipper, so the last few weeks the media at the constantly been päähallitus the party boss does not further weaken the center of the support? Was a real reason to mistrust it opportunistic?

the True reason for the Slope difference will be still to ask. I wonder if it’s clear, even with all the government partner party mps?

the Prime minister’s replacement is in such a situation automatically guarantee a new and wonderful beginning for everyone.

whether the center bets the reason, then Post-affair, political pressure, or a combination of these, is not going to solve the downtown problems. The prime minister’s replacement is in such a situation automatically guarantee a new and wonderful beginning for everyone.

Kulmuni have now carefully ponder, what is his strategy with the new prime minister. The center of the motion of censure cracked the SDP and the center of the between trust. How trust can be rebuilt?

at the Same time Kulmuni the last day of coverage due to respond to a new question: If the Slope remains to haunt the SDP a new face behind the haunting is someone behind him?

see also:

Analysis: the SDP and the center between the remaining bitterness difficult to start a government job, and no recovery time given

the Slope difference, the but to continue the leader of the party and will the role of the government in the formation – Yle follow politics super days

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