Now Mauro Lustrinelli no longer keeps it on his chair. “What excites me totally, these semi-high shots.” The coach of the Swiss U-21 national team on jumps in the middle of the discussion. And then calls: “Flat, flat, flat!” Lustrinelli is in a soberly-furnished sitting rooms in Muri, where the Swiss football Association has its seat. But if the Ticino talks about his passion, it seems, than he would train on his back on the training field race and his listeners on the spot for outstanding attacker.

Lustrinelli was in his career, even striker. Today, he is at the Association for the education of young Swiss talent in the attack is responsible. And since it is no longer enough to just count on their own experience. the soccer may lag in comparison to other sports in terms of statistics afterwards. Also, because the game with eleven against eleven on a big field, a lot of room for coincidences. But the data analysis has also covered the football. And there is some evidence to suggest that it has changed the game.

Less shots, more goals

Omar Chaudhuri is the one who is driving this development forward. He advises the London-based company 21st Club clubs, the promise on the transfer market it to their advantage to know as much data as possible. The Business is booming, Chaudhuri has only a short time. He says: “The goal, analysts had a direct impact on how the game is played.”

Means: It is always shot less. In the turn back the Protect closer to the goal, and need fewer Attempts for a hit. For Chaudhuri all of this logically is to show: “Our Figures that out of 100 shots from outside the penalty area 3 to the gate. Within the Sechzehners it does not include, 15 out of 100 – head balls.”

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Gary Gelade, 2009 was in the Chelsea part of one of the first statistics departments in professional football. He knows from personal experience that the resistance to data analysis in football is still big. But he notes: “If you can measure something, then it gets done.” Means: If it is proved that shots from certain positions rather go into the goal, shooting from there.

that’s Exactly what Lustrinelli recently, as he’s been talking to a striker for the U-21 national team to the Conscience. The name he likes to read in the newspaper – it’s a Talent, big hopes rest. “You know why you’re doing too little Skorerpunkte?”, has not asked him Lustrinelli, “because you can’t go in the Slot. There you go, the gates will fall!” The Slot limit is the space between the five metre space and the penalty area. At the world Cup in 2018, 57 percent of all goals were scored in this Zone (see figure). In club football there are even more than 60 percent of all Goals.

Lustrinelli radiates as he talks about how the striker popped up in the next game in the Slot – and promptly met. But of course it takes more than the mere Knowledge of the place where the most hits to succeed. Where many goals will be scored, are also to be found many defenders. Two ball touches – more can’t afford to have a striker in the penalty area, he wants to come to a conclusion.

“When the shot had played analyst has a direct impact on how the game is.”

the twelve young players who have gathered on a Tuesday morning in a Container of FC Zurich see. On a TV gates are shown on the linear meter. In addition to the TV U-21 coach Marinko Jurendic stands up and asks for the players. What do you notice? How has the move of the striker? How many ball touches he had? Why is he coming to a conclusion?

The hierarchy is clear. Here is the Oldest from the U-21, who are quick with their analysis. Cristiano Ronaldo? “Moves in the back of the defender.” Robert Lewandowski? “Leads directly.” To say the boys from the U-15, the have is still afraid of the Wrong or, for a change, with a narrow “walkway” from the affair want to move.

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Jurendic is at the FCZ team across for the striker training responsible. He has called the theory an hour, and the talents with the words welcomes: “We want to not only train the legs. But also the head, in order to develop advantages for us.” Later, he says: “The question for coaches is: How do I get a player in the head at one hundred percent? Physically you can measure. Mentally, it is much more difficult.”

According to the video analysis to measure the striker of your favorite players in categories. And then even with your Idol compare. This Self-Assessment will help your coaches. “If someone of Cristiano Ronaldo and his run raves because I have a picture in front of me, to control him,” says Jurendic, “I can help him to develop his own identity.”

Because it’s all That the players themselves understand where your Strengths lie and develop them further. Jurendic has written a master work on striker-types. This was after the Swiss Federation in 2008 decided that it needs a specific striker training. The club hired former attacker to lose their experience. What was missing was a theoretical basis. For the Jurendic provided: “The question was: Can form Switzerland, a Ronaldo or a Messi?”

To Strengthen

working with The two Stars of each type in Jurendics work. Both of them meet frequently, but in very different ways. Because Ronaldo is needed in the studied period, based on a goal of 7.2 shots. There is Messi, who has scored in each of the third start-up. For Jurendic is clear: “A player of the type of Ronaldo, we need to animate more shots. And the type Messi to even more diligence in the financial statements.”

is built in the afternoon, the striker is training on the court. As the penalty area striker, to exploit in the centre flanks. There wings, the drag in the middle, and finally those who nachstossen from the back room. The Training will take place without a defender. It is important that the body movements to impress, to run trails and clean execution.

For Lustrinelli is this the right way. He is impressed with how few shots it took the striker to the world Cup for a goal. And says so: “In the case of the forward training in the Clubs first technique is to hit the Ball clean.”

All the technology and Knowledge to the optimum final position, if the head participates.

Thus it is also in the hard points for the Swiss striker training. In the U-15, the technology, and coordination are practiced. After this free-running behavior and tactics to come step by step.

Lustrinelli collects the data itself. He is joined on the latest Trend: Since the defensive lines are deeper, witnessed the shot from 16 meters to make a Comeback: “Well, because you don’t have to take with the current balls full of risk. It is enough to half-strength with the foot – with precision.” Also, the flows in the training.

But all the technology and Knowledge to the optimum final position do not bring anything if the head participates. That’s why Lustrinelli sometimes uses a little psychological Trick. He is a striker, not more meetings, between the posts. Just to give you the dimensions to show. He then says, “you See? The gate is large. It is actually quite easy to achieve a Goal.”

Created: 03.12.2019, 19:03 PM