every Three years released the Pisa results has become an international spectacle, which is measured shame and pride. At least in regard to training.

Economic cooperation organization OECD estimates (switch to another service) 15-year-old school skills every three years. Now research the latest results have been published, but why they have become so important to us?

– Finnish basic school is not the Finnish matriculation examination, such as a standardised test at all. The Pisa test evaluates the us our education system functionality, and international levels from applied to benchmark it, where Finnish expertise goes, says PISA study, national research director of Arto Ahonen.

Fresh according to the results, Finnish young people’s literacy is still the OECD countries of the greats. Family background and gender influence knowledge, however, is growing.

the Pisa test focuses on literacy, mathematics and science subject areas. The study will also examine learning student attitudes and skills.

is it Worth the comparison?

the Year 2018 literacy stressed the Pisa-test was held about 8 000 primary school for young people. Finland better in literacy were doing to China, Singapore and Estonia.

for the sociology of Education professor Osmo Kivinen according to the Finnish success in Pisa-listings has risen to the experts hat.

– What will be the cliche of the world’s best teachers, is to ask how Finnish students record the differences between the sexes are explained. How on earth is it possible that the girls are progressing in education the path to the great, but all, especially the boys don’t?

the Rocky also do not see the point in international “rankings”.

Finland ministry of education and education experts have together assured throughout the 2000s, that the correct way to read the Pisa results is to understand them for each country given the school a certificate as to indicate the country carried on in the educational policy level, Rocky said.

Finnish girls and boys differences in literacy was in this round of OECD countries the largest.

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Finnish skills in Pisa tests has fallen in the 2000s the peak of the year. Source: OECD. Graphics: Anni Härkönen / Yle

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the Rocky and scientist Juha Hedman are at work sorted out the Pisa interpretation of the results and their problem areas. According to them, the Finnish basic education success can not be read from the Pisa-measurements results.

the Research director Arto Ahonen, according to the Pisa-tests do not assess curriculum-based learning content management, but what kind of knowledge of the Finnish education system is for young people basic reason produced.

Should the outcome of the competition?

Pisa-tests, the reliability is suspect at international level, for example, that the tests be performed as well in all countries.

– Keep in mind the fact that the Pisa-test to measure the education system of productive knowledge with each other. The criterion is therefore that the participating children should go to school. Between the countries there are big differences, how big a part of the research, the selected sample covers the population, Ahonen said.

Also South Korea, Japan and Singapore are gained in Finland over international Pisa comparisons. The competition for top places has got states to change education policy.

for Example, in South Korea long day of school and the basic school receive private tutoring are commonplace. Also in Germany, England and Australia has made education policy measures, the Pisa results to improve.

the Research director Ahonen does not, however, see the competition between countries as a problem.

– Pisa-competition has been criticized, but if a priori you consider that such skills should measure and aspire to, so I think it is quite acceptable. It is not harmful, as long as you’re behind it, that such knowledge in the school system aims at, Ahonen said.

Test how selvityisi Pisa test

the Above test of literacy-the shares are an abridged version to the original version of. You can watch the original version here (you move to another service). (if the link doesn’t work: https://ktl.jyu.fi/fi/pisa/tehtavamappi/esimerkkitehtava_rapanui_pisa-2018.pdf (you move to another service))

the Year 2018 literacy questions and answers you can look here. Note. replies (switch to another service) in English. (If the link doesn’t work: http://www.oecd.org/pisa/test/PISA2018_Released_REA_Items_12112019.pdf (you move to another service))

the Mathematics of mount Fuji-the answer can be found here (you move to another service).

Read more:

the Pisa results in public: Finnish children’s reading skills the world of warheads, but the differences grow – boys, almost two-thirds read only, if you have to

education policy professor: the Best way to get to Pisa the results of the surge is to curb young people’s smartphone usage

What do the PISA results tell you? Researchers critical: do Not tell the Finnish education level

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