Elon Musk is a villain, he has admitted this recently myself. “Well, I’m Hank Scorpio,” he wrote on Twitter. A joke, of course, Scorpio is a charismatic and yet consistently malicious character in the animated series “The Simpsons”. No one needs to fear that Musk wants to take over the world – it is known that he would move about his space travel company Space-X prefer to go to Mars.

The Insane in this Scorpio comparison, however, is that there is quite Parallel to that Twitter entry, of which the chief of electric car maker Tesla, under the case number 18-08048 of this Tuesday before the court to answer to at all.

Musk described the British cave divers Vernon Unsworth in the summer of 2018 as a “pedo guy”, as a “Pedo-types,” so. This insult he rose in a Mail to a journalist of the portal Buzzfeed (he scolded it as a “fucking arsehole”, a “fucking asshole”) to “child rapists” and asked the Reporter to report me in such a positive way about Unsworth.

You should prefer to research whether the cave I diver married once, possibly, a twelve-year-old child. Then Musk apologized for the later-deleted Tweet, and usually such a case is to be returned against payment of a secret sum under the carpet.

“”Pedo guy” was a common curse word in South Africa. It is synonymous with “creepy old man”.”Elon Musk

The two parties, however, had no interest in an out-of-court settlement. Unsworth was involved in the worldwide media accompanied the bailout of the Thai youth football team, the darkness, two weeks in a flooded cave. The Musk offered to help, he had referred to as a “PR ploy” and said, Musk should stick Mini U-Boot “where it hurts”. It’s the Pedo-guy-tweets, the e-Mail to the journalists and that the action of Unsworth for libel followed.

According to court documents, the existence of this newspaper, right Musk made his Tweet: “I did not insinuieren that Mister Unsworth of pedophilia is guilty. “Pedo guy” was a common curse word in South Africa, where I grew up. It is synonymous with “creepy old man”, it is not used to make over the appearance and behavior of a Person – funny, to accuse him of pedophilia.”

Musk: “I was a fucking Idiot,”

in the lawsuit, not to insult, but to slander, the district judge Stephen Wilson stated in Los Angeles early on: “He has not simply called it a “Pedo-types” and leave it at that.” No, Musk had also googled the residence of Unsworth (the Thai province of Chiang Rai), and noted that the area is known for child prostitution and sex trafficking.

Then Musk for 50’000 dollars had hired a private detective to learn as many Details about the life of cave Explorer – and possibly have reached, that his entry was not to be seen as an insult, but as fact. The Detective turned out to be, however, as a fraud. “I was a fucking Idiot,” said Musk, according to court files: “That was maybe the Stupidest thing I’ve ever done.”

Exaggeration and Satire

Unsworth, so Musks lawyers now argue, was the rescue of a Person of public life and, as such, you must reckon also with ridicule. “Pedo-type” is in any event interpreted as Exaggeration and Satire to. Musk is an eccentric who constituted themselves as a super hero “Iron Man” or the Simpsons villain “Scorpio”, during an interview marijuana smoke or a flame-thrower pose.

Musk is posing at the award ceremony of the “Golden steering Wheel” from Auto Bild in November 2019. Photo: Reuters

This reasoning, however, the district judge Wilson rejected in the past week – with the justification, Unsworth had become by the entry of Musk in the first place “famous”. A significant decision, because Unsworth does not have to prove under California law now, that Musk defamed intentionally or insulted. He only has to show how much his reputation by Musk has suffered.

A crazy strategy

Musk is, announced by his lawyers, also statements, and he is likely to pursue a strategy that he has used in his apology: Unsworth will be presented as the Initiator of the aggression, after all, he had recommended that Musk should perform sexual acts on a U-boat full.

anyone Who has experienced Musk times, for example, at the launch of the cyber trucks recently, you know that he is an incredibly bad Live speakers – this is part of his charm. It is, therefore, unpredictable as he is in the witness stand.

A first success, Musk has recognized, however, already: The e-Mail to the Buzzfeed journalists may not be as a piece of evidence for a slander used, but only as an indication of how Musk is so ticking. The strategy: What it helps someone as the villain, which has just claims to be a cartoon character? A strategy so crazy that Elon Musk might actually be on to success.

Created: 03.12.2019, 14:19 PM