foreign minister Pekka Haavisto explained the ministry to act on Tuesday the ministry for foreign affairs of Syria and al-Hol camp in the relationship. Haavisto told reporters yesterday the ministry to prepare a different option in al-Holissa the islamist Isis-fighters ‘ wives and children bringing from Syria to Finland, if the camp, for example, chaotically unravels.

any of the government political decision in al-Hol camp, the children bring home is not, repeat Haavisto as soon as the committee on foreign affairs after the meeting on Tuesday afternoon.

–the fact in the attorney general 10.October 2019 to give a line of the basis, which leaves the child the benefits of the implementation of the constitution and the UN children’s rights agreement.

Haavisto also denied on Monday evening said the release of the news that Haavisto would be the repatriation process due to moved aside the foreign ministry’s consular chief, Pasi Import . Haavisto says that the still ongoing consular chief, but al-Hol -affairs is appointed their own officials.

the foreign ministry 23.10. appointed officials, for example, is compared in different countries consular information the camp of the situation, the discussion of kurdistan and the neighboring countries of Iraq with the authorities.

Here’s the situation, that although the people there by their own means or own spontaneously would get to go, so in some neighbouring countries, treating them as guilty to the al-Hol to participation in the activities, said Haavisto.

Haavisto stressed on several occasions that Finland has prepared for a variety of options, if the camp erupts in a chaotic fashion, and individual people can be reached out by different routes.

the fact in the official liability pursuant to and the attorney general in October to give a reply. The chancellor responded at the time, received their complaints.

– be prepared for the fact that at the time the finns reached the official action of the district and then also the criminal liability are settled.

Haavisto after the liquidation of the foreign affairs committee voted for it, if it is satisfied with the minister’s explanation. The majority was satisfied with the explanation provided by.

the committee on foreign affairs of the finns party chairman of the Mika Niikko said that the true finns in the opinion of the foreign affairs committee had not been timely informed that the foreign ministry is actively seeking to Finland in the al-Hol camp are women and children.

Niikko opinion, when the matter was informed to the previous times, not turned out of the ministry put the official thing. Niikko according to an official working in Syria.

the committee on foreign affairs was Niikko view, kept in the dark at the same time as has informed the president of the republic and the government.

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