Finnish youth literacy is still the OECD countries of the greats. Family background and gender impact on literacy, however, are growing.

This clear to the western industrial organisation in the OECD’s latest Pisa study results. Literacy emphasis on experiments that had been held about 8 000 15-year-old in the spring of 2018. Finland’s score fell in the literacy in addition to a bit also mathematics and science.

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Finnish skills in Pisa tests has fallen in the 2000s the peak of the year. Source: OECD. Graphics: Anni Härkönen / Yle

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Finland better literacy in did China, Singapore and Estonia. Well they did also Canada, Ireland and South Korea. you Can look at different countries reading literacy the results of the thing at the end of the table with the help of.

Math skills intact, natural sciences deterioration

Finnish young people’s mathematics score decreased rapidly in the early 2010s, but now the bill is folded. Many Asian country as well as neighbouring countries of Estonia and Denmark have overtaken the Finnish mathematics results, and Finland is comparing examined 79 countries ranked 16.

the natural sciences, the Finnish results have declined steadily. Among them, Finland is ranked 6. Also in literacy in shared the sixth position together with Canada.

family background effect of technology growth

the Finnish comprehensive school’s strength has long been considered that it guarantees equal opportunities to all background. Now the background of the impact of literacy seems to potentiate the us.

in Finland, the highest and lowest socio-economic quarter, the average difference in literacy score was 79 points. Computationally this is equivalent to up to two school-day studies.

the Result is due to the fact that the lowest socio-economic quarter results have deteriorated from 2009 to 2018. The top quarter of the results have remained unchanged.

the Boys two-thirds read only if I have to

Finnish girls and boys differences in literacy was in this round of OECD countries the largest. The point-difference, the girls were good for 52 points, while the OECD countries on average the difference was 30 points.

the natural sciences and mathematics gender differences are more moderate.

Finnish students attitudes to reading have changed the former more negative. More and more negative reading and still less like reading the mind as a hobby to.

the Boys up to 63% said they read only if I have to.

Attitudes reflect knowledge. Those with no interest, are more inclined to succeed badly. When the ill-success more and more, it appears that all results are average.

Gender differences in skills greater literacy skills in ninth-graders are hoping less weight to the Pisa-results and more freedom of choice to read

Should young the deteriorating literacy of the concerned?

Maybe a little, said the ninth grader Milja Vertola .

Vertola studying in helsinki, the shoemaker of the village primary school together Said Hanate and Maria Nieminen with. None of them have done the Pisa test itself, but they are the same age as the Pisa-tests to test the young people.

the shoemaker of the village girl fell in the literacy results puzzled the. The actual reading of the reduction is not necessarily the case, as the ninth graders yes collide texts constantly.

We all, however, we use a lot of the internet. Online have to read things on a daily basis, Vertola said.

the Time to read syventymiseltä take other things, ponder Said Hanate.

Is online, games and practice… Has become so much everything new. Young people unable to buy books or go to the library to read when everything is on the internet.

Said Hanate (left), Milja Vertola and Maria Nieminen are in helsinki, the shoemaker of the village primary school freshmen.Tanja Heino/Yle

Maria Nieminen, according to his mother-tongue teacher has helped him to find the genre that interests.

I’ve noticed that I like horror books and murder and crime books.

Said Hanate opinion, students should be given more freedom of choice when selecting the school to read books.

– Usually teachers say the subject and number of pages. The reading should be more relaxed and should get to read it, which you’re interested.

Milja vertola to marvel how a large weight value Pisa results in Finland will be given.

we’re still only 15 years of age. Whether us too large pressure results?

See the table, how the various countries fared in 2018 literacy in the Pisa-tests. You can also search for a specific country name.

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